The Neverending Picture Game

I’m trying to get stuff done and will resist for a while either way…the glory of “nearly impossible” is hard to resist though.

Kenneth Kitchen (bloke who built that house) is one of the best names I’ve heard in a while.

I will start with the nearly impossible and if it gets no traction, I’ll switch it up.

As a hint, this was taken by my husband within 100 miles of our home, and I doubt it’s google-able. It’s also a color photo, I promise:

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It’s a haunted mine.

That’s an awesome picture. No idea where it is but reminds me of Beneath the Planet of the Apes.

Not a mine.

He won a couple local photo contests with this picture. I told him to submit it to national geographic or something but he’s lazy sometimes, lol

It might take some leaps of logic, but there are enough hints in my post and the picture to get it, I think.

It’s dark in this video, so I don’t know, but guessing Tunnel 16.


Big mountain biking destination (even though it’s technically “closed” and not entirely legal)

I guess i gave too many hints, lol

Are you sure that’s the right tunnel? There seem to be a lot of tunnels out there. If you look at 2:47 in that video you are about where the exit would look the same as the pic you posted as far as the exit light just barely showing and it seems like you are further away. And the other entrance doesn’t look the same I think. Maybe the railway is good enough though.

eh, i’m not nitpicking. I asked him and hubby doesn’t recall exactly which tunnel it was.

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Ugh… I think I can find it if I look hard enough. If I knew Toronto well enough to guess what part of town that little park is in, it would help. Why hasn’t anyone posted about the little park in Toronto with a rooster statue and a rain barrel???

It’s a haunted Cracker Barrel.

750 Davenport road, oldest tollgate in Canada!


I never know how easy or difficult a thing will be. (Looking for a pretty specific place here.)

Dang. I got that it was a park in Toronto from the sign and could read that the address started with a 7 and thought it was 3 digits and looked up a list of all the parks in Toronto and checked out all the parks with 3 digit addresses starting with a 7, but was just looking at a pic or two at most of each park and didn’t hit that building.

I admire that sort of effort, but I stay out of it for the most part. I just fluked it by finding an article about 9 old buildings in Toronto. It was the ninth one, though, so I scrolled quite far.

Did you just know it was in Toronto from my post? Dunno if you know ggoreo is from Toronto. (I didn’t just assume that meant it was from Toronto, I found the park signs match.)

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I only started looking when he confirmed it was in Toronto.

Yes, that’s it.

Yeah, I figured once someone got it was an island in a river it should follow ok.

I assume you’re faking us out with the name of the picture and it’s not a cheese slicer. Can’t really see what cheese you’d cut with it. A wire cutter?