The Neverending Picture Game

How mysterious.

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You are correct sir!

Lol nice. Something looked vaguely familiar about it and then it hit me that I had seen those water tanks before.

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Name the building the photo was taken in:

Penn Presbyterian Medical Center West Philadelphia

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Nicely done

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I cheated and nano and I worked together.

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Well then nicely done nano!

Kids are better at the internet anyway so I say use all the resources you have, nano included.


If it’s not newport beach i dont recognize it

about 400 yards, if that’s balboa pier - but it’s hard to tell from that pic. If it was newport pier, I guess, there wouldn’t be that much beach in between the pier and the people in the photo. So I’m leaning towards balboa pier there.


Santa Cruz Mystery Spot?


damn…it’s one of those places buried in my memory that I’ve been before, but can’t put my finger on, lol

or at least it looks like one of those places

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It’s a haunted amusement park.

Don’t give up.

Triangle logo looks like it’s from the Church of Scientology

Ok I googled. Come on man.

Court of Mysteries in Santa Cruz?

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Yeah. It’s not the mystery spot though. The mystery spot is miles away and is a little house built on an angle. This is a different weird house in SC. I debated (with nano, she actually picked this spot) saying “close” or something, but I didn’t want to hint too much. You had obviously been there and were conflating them.

yep! Stupid things with similar names grrrr


do y’all want an easy one or a nearly impossible one?