The Neverending Picture Game

ok, this one might be easy, i’m not sure.

what city:

I think I know this one, but I’ll let someone else take it because it seems unsporting. .

Some shitbag Ohio city having to do with terrible chili is my meta guess.

I don’t know why that came out so mean :heart: Ohio and its indigenous chili dishes.

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nope. wrong state.

Love how you didn’t deny the shitbag city part

Lol, why do you think I live in CA now?


Ok one hint: it is a state capital



2 down, 48 to go.

Harrisburg, PA

Photo taken from City Island in a boat on the Susquehanna river.

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yup! you got it. Took the pic from their little riverboat they use for river cruises.

I was pleasantly surprised at Harrisburg. It’s still a small midwest city, but it’s not bad

One of the more WTF parts of the US highway system. ¿Dónde está?

I remember looking for the highway a bit, but looking now I bet that big grassy field behind the security fence would be easier to find than the curve on a freeway. (also knowing that zz spent time around Austin)

It looks like a lot of piers around here. I gotta go and can’t totally confirm this, but Newport I think.

I forgot this thread existed. Either not a lot of people here have driven I-90 W through Cleveland, or those that have didn’t find it memorable for a major US interstate to have a left turn requiring a 35MPH speed limit.

I was pretty sure this was an airport, but I might just be predisposed to seeing airports. Either way I couldn’t find it.

Bump cause this thread was a fun distraction for a while. I’ve been waiting 14 months for @microbet to post a picture…

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Cecil Hotel in LA?