The Neverending Picture Game

idk, but it reminded me of this song which is pretty damn awesome. The movie it comes from is pretty OK too.


Columbia University?

Restaurant from Seinfeld?

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Thatā€™s a winner. Tomā€™s Restaurant at 112th and Broadway. Also the subject of the Suzanne Vega song ā€œTomā€™s Dinerā€.

Columbiaā€™s a good guess but thatā€™s a couple of blocks further north (starts at 114th iirc).


I had no idea the Seinfeld restaurant was the same place as the Susan Vega song. Mind asplode.

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Where is this character from?

Are people not trying / busy or is it time for a hint?

The Apartment?

It looks like the dude in the background of this pic, but I canā€™t tell if heā€™s actually there or some sort of wall poster.:

I donā€™t believe it is that actor. Anyway, itā€™s from a TV show.

Itā€™s from The Twilight Zone, right?

Iā€™m wondering how it could occur to you to ask that question if you didnā€™t know where that character was from, but yeah, Twilight Zone. But thatā€™s not the answer. Where is that character from, like from what location?

lol, thereā€™s a billion TZ episodes, and Ive seen a lot of them. I know I recognize that guy but I got not clue which episode it is.

If you give me a hint, I bet I can guess the episode without using google. My Twilight Zone knowledge is pretty strong.

Itā€™s the Twilight Zone episode where all the old white dudes have nearly the same jaw, chins, nasolabial folds and wear nearly the same hat as the old white dude from The Apartment


Is ā€œnasolabialā€ a real word or are you just fucking with me?

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That seems to be the fancy name for smile lines

Dunno how strong it is if you didnā€™t get it. Youā€™re not even sure youā€™ve seen every episode! Iā€™d guess Iā€™ve seen them all more than once.

But hintā€¦ the scene was inside a diner.

Youā€™ve jogged my memory. Itā€™s the one where thereā€™s a bus that gets snowed in at a diner and at the end the diner owner reveals that he is an alien invader and he has a third eye under his diner cap but then the diner patron reveals that he is another alien invader with three arms and itā€™s like, whatā€™s up now bitch? God, I love that show. TZ just the best sci-fi thing ever. No one today is doing this kind of next-level double-plot-twist sci-fi shit.

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Soā€¦where is that character from? Not the episode, but the location?

edit: Youā€™ve got the order of reveals backwards. First the 3 armed patron reveals, then the 3 eyed owner.

My older brother and I, who competed about everything, would race to identify which TZ episode (or Star Trek).

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