The Neverending Picture Game

The Swarm?

Ha, yes. That didnā€™t work.

Once you recognise Michael Caine and his 70s safari suit thing google does the rest.

I find these very hard to judge for the right degree of difficulty but here goesā€¦


If there are no takers Iā€™ll expand the pic in a while.

A little moreā€¦


Benny Hill?

No. :slight_smile: Itā€™s an album cover.


Itā€™s the cover to Exile On Main Street, buy The Stones.


That bugged the shit out of me for hours last night till I cracked and reverse image searched it.

Reverse image searching is like cheating imo.

Iā€™m going to try a curveball since you guys always get things so quickly.

I agree, thatā€™s why I didnā€™t post. I am weak, but it was driving me a bit crazy as I knew I knew it.

Iā€™m not sure what kind of hint I can give without giving the whole game away. Here is another photo of this place:


Based on the ā€žhic natusā€œ inscription I would say the nativity grotto in Bethlehem. Unfortunately image searching for that shows altars that look rather different from the ones you posted.

This is an outstanding guess, but itā€™s wrong. I threw you guys a curveball here: figuring out why youā€™re wrong is key to figuring out where it is.

Same place:

I canā€™t tell if Iā€™ve stumped you guys or if itā€™s the weekend and you all have actual lives. Let me know if you need a hint.

The picture of Saint Cornelius led me to look at catacombs in Rome, but I think I have finally found it on different continent:

Yes, you got it.
