The Neverending Picture Game

Okay as an additional hint I‘ll give you a picture of the front of the building. Unfortunately it is not the whole building as there is a GermanGuy in the way (part of a selfie)

Okay, Final picture. If you don’t find it based on this, you won’t.

It is a UNESCO world heritage site.

Town hall Bremen

Gonna be a bit before I post a picture. At the doctor.

what city?

Somewhere in Eastern Blocvia.

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Lol try doing a RIS on it. That’s how screwed we all are.


Yeah. The reverse image search made it too obvious.

The picture was taken from the Palace of Culture and Sciences’s observation deck.

Warsaw is a really weird city. It was decimated during WW2 so there aren’t a lot of old buildings there. The old Jewish ghetto is pretty much gentrified. So there’s almost nothing historical left there. Unless you’re really into history (The Warsaw Uprising Museum is fascinating), there isn’t much of a reason to visit. Also the infrastructure is shockingly bad (by EU standards) for such a large city. Public transport is very crowded, though less so than the roads themselves.

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I didn’t reverse image search. I searched for images of Novatel and got that building.

I’m going to assume microbet is forfeiting his turn because I’m impatient and I saw something that might be good for this. Or not. idk.

Anyway, what is jalfrezi’s avatar?

jalfrezi obv not eligible to play this round.


I’m really only 98% sure I know what it is, because I can’t find that exact shot anywhere.

I just forgot, but that’s good. I don’t have anything. I don’t think this is it at all, but jalfrezi’s avatar reminds me of the bowling alley in the mansion at the end of There Will Be Blood.

And now that I look at that scene, it’s nothing like that at all.


If you’re 98% sure then you’re right. Surely image search brings it up?

Yeah, I thought it was something all these years, and it isn’t - The Madcap Laughs cover by Syd Barrett. But it’s surely a picture taken at the same time.

You have to be right. It’s obviously Syd Barret’s bedroom. Here’s another photo:

Clearly the coffee table to the left in jalfrezi’s avatar is the one that can be seen on the right in the above pic.

I’ll let @Jalfrezi determine the winner.

Nah, gotta be Pyatnitski - I would never have had any idea it was anything to do with Syd Barett.

Syd Barrett makes sense jalfrezi.

Pyatnitski has it. It’s from one of the photos taken during the photo session for TML.

As befits such an unusual album the events surrounding it are interesting.

The photographer booked for the sessions, Mick Rock, arrived at Syd’s flat to be greeted at the door by a totally naked woman (this was 1969 remember) who was happy to pose in some of the photos and didn’t speak a word…


On entering Syd’s room he found another photographer (Storm Thorgerson from Hipgnosis) already there, and the two have been claiming credit ever since lol.

The mysterious woman disappeared and remained unknown for decades as the album achieved its legendary cult status, but after Syd’s death several of his former friends revealed she was Iggy The Eskimo (of course!).

Re. the music - a very good BBC documentary on Syd had David Gilmour, who took over production during its troubled incubation, saying they were finding it impossible to fit a particular Syd solo into the track space it was intended for and no matter what he tried it wasn’t working, when Syd told him to insert it backwards and to his astonishment he founded it fitted perfectly lol

It’s a long time since I listened to it but I’ve half a mind to try to crowbar something from it (maybe Late Night or Long Gone or Terrapin or Feel, fuck me so much of it is brilliant) into the next Walrus.

OK, we’ll try this - what film is this from: