The Neverending Picture Game

i see the 3 ‘hooks’ on the 3 different diameter sections of that stepped cast piece or whatever you’d call it

struggling to conjure the plumbing equivalent

This will probably give it away, but the design is different with rigid pipe because something like this would damage the pipe threads, but I’m not sure why you wouldn’t want something like this for copper piping. I guess it’s just that copper is so soft it’s not necessary.

de-burring tool? lol no

Yes. It’s a reamer. For EMT - electrical metal conduit (tubing). The 3 hooks fit over 1", 3/4" and 1/2".

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trying to understand the function of the tip… is it just so the pipe receives something for stability/ centralization etc?

The very tip is a screwdriver head. It fits over set-screw type connectors pretty well, but it’s just there as a multi-tool kind of thing - not the main purpose of the tool.

I hardly ever use it because I work mostly outside and the connectors and couplings are all compression outside.

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yeah… those little exchangeable bits fit into that hexagonal end or something.

ok cool. I’m up. lemme check for a pic

Not really exchangeable. In mine anyway, it’s just a flathead.

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ok another band

this one shouldn’t be too tough

ok far out

if I ever relocate to Cali, we’ll team-up and form a colossal force in the solar/ plumbing game

you and me, kid

skunk anansie

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I’ve never heard of that band, just googled “music band black bald woman”.

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Probably easy, but I wouldn’t have gotten this (without search anyway) until pretty recently.

Passion fruit? Specifically passiflora edulis, the purple passion fruit.


I have to admit I had to google the Latin name as I was not aware there were several different kinds of passion fruit.

Anyway, this is the next building;

Hint: the plaque on the wall tells you the name of the building and even though the resolution is not great it also gives you the key to solving the riddle of what city the building is in.