The Neverending Picture Game

Nope. Actually did that one earlier :slight_smile:

I know. Thought you might be trying that play again :upside_down_face:

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It’s in Spain imo.

Malaga, Spain.

Dang, just got that.


Santander and BBVA banks give away the country. From there, it’s about if you’ve been there.

Looking for the city:

I’m gonna be out for a while, so go don’t wait for me to confirm if you’re sure you’ve got it.

It was hard to read BBVA, but I finally got it. I was looking at a map of locations of BBVA and another of Santander and checking out likely looking spots where they were located next to each other and got to Malaga - just after Trolly.

Portland, Maine


What’s this?

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Trump’s proctoscope

Some kind of wire tensioning tool?

A sexually responsible screwdriver?

Nope and nope and nope

In a way, not literally but kind of because another word that’s I think is based on this tool is related to buttholes, jalfrezi has the best answer so far.

5/16th nut-driver

The inside of what looks like it could be a nutdriver is just a screwdriver, but the business parts of this tool are the little hooks on the side (you can only see one clearly, but there are 3 of them). I was thinking you might get it (you are a plumber, right?), but the plumbing tool of the same name looks very different. This may be enough of a hint for you though.

yeah looks like some adapter is sheathed over the actual tool/shank

it attaches to it via an allen wrench set-screw?

yes. Master plumber

There are a couple little allen set-screws to loosen that part. This is so you can replace the part that has the 3 little hooks when they get dull. (I should probably do that - this tool is like 10 years old and I’ve never replaced the hooks) The hooks are not sharp sharp, but they need an edge to them.

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