The Neverending Picture Game

It’s not Denver. There are actually a lot of clues in the picture that could lead you to the right answer, whether it’s LAX or whatever small airport you could think of (it’s not LAX). You might need some general knowledge of aviation to recognize them or know what to do with them though.

Edmonton Airport?


A guy who worked with me thought that the orange and white signs and flags on so many things were identification for like the illuminati. He lived right next to LAX.

I think the orange and white is just for contrast/visibility for things you should avoid running into, but I’m not part of the Illuminati so it’s possible I’ve been lied to as well. That being said, if you believe the non-conspiratorial explanation, the orange and white thing is something you’ll find in a similar position at many but not all runways, so if you know what it is you’ll be able to narrow your search. It’s not necessarily the best filtering clue you’ll find in the picture, but it is one, and there are probably no clues that will narrow your search to a reasonable set if taken alone.

Yeah I have no idea. I know Inverness Airport is in the middle of nowhere so let’s go with that.

No. Two hints because the guesses so far have been going down the wrong track:

  1. This is a picture from my own camera roll. I like to use my own pictures because they’re less likely to be reverse image searchable.

  2. There are a lot of knowable dimensions in the picture. You can use some of the more obvious ones to estimate the runway width. Even better though, the exact runway width can be learned directly if you look in the right place.

Lotta these pictures are very hard to make out at least on my monitor.

8 strips? 100ft wide?

Is the number 25? 250 degrees?

Yes and yes

Mountain Empire Airport in Virginia

Eh, I don’t think that’s it, but it’s very similar.

So we’re looking for a runway at 250 degrees at high elevation and surrounded by mountains, but not too high based on the trees.

Mountain Empire is similar, but the runway there says 26, only has 6 bars at the end, and it doesn’t have one of those orange and white buildings/antenna.

I’ve found like 10 airports that are 25 and 100’ wide, but not the right one.

Somewhere in the Appalachians.

You should be getting close then. When I filtered 25/100’ I got about 50 results throughout the entire US (25 is a rare direction for some reason, lots of 23’s and 26-27’s). If you narrow it to the Appalachian region there are under 10 I think.

Tazwell County airport is 25/100’, but not it.

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an easy one, while you guys struggle to answer the airport one. his name is actually included in the photo