The Neverending Picture Game

Would love to say I’d read it, but no.

I’m off to bed soon, so I’ll give some clues. There’s a simple thing you can do to the map to make it look more recognisable. ggoreo is the only one on the right continent.

Holy crap at embedded street view maps. That’s awesome.

So as to not derail the thread I’ll say that the war the book is about started in 1808. That should make it pretty simple. Sorry.

I don’t see Spain or Portugal in the map.

I posted it because the maps in the book have been driving me crazy with their love of not putting North pointing to the top of the page, but given this I guess I’ll declare that it’s Spain. If you rotate it 90 degree clockwise I think it’s pretty recognisable but maybe not. My bad.

I spent some time looking at the world map thinking about your map rotated 180°, but didn’t try 90°. It wasn’t that hard a picture, but having it both rotated and drawn the way it is made for kind of a lot of work.

Also, 90° definitely wouldn’t come to mind readily. If you rotate it 180° the city names are still horizontal.

Yeah, I haven’t a clue why they do it. I rarely read straight military history, I think it’s maybe common for battlefield maps to not have north upwards, but large scale like that seems daft.

I guess I try again? Happy to hand over as well.

Try again imo. 1808 was basically giving the answer.

Let’s try this.

So if you rotate the map 90 degrees, the text is like this

Fwiw, Spain was my first or second guess, but I just never rotated it correctly to match it up so gave up. Good round.

The map’s designed to be read the way up it is, so the text would be just on its side if it was rotated. It’s annoying.

oh I see lol, I’m an idiot

I’m pretty sure it’s wrong, but I’m going to guess Château de Belœil just to bump the thread.

You are wrong. Guess I’m terrible at this as I thought this was easy, there’s a thing about the building I figured was fairly evident in the picture and that if you google “chateau [the thing]” it gets it straight away. I’ll give more clues later and then bow out.

I think I know the hint you’re talking about, I was googling castles instead of châteaus though. I found Château de Chenonceau pretty quickly with that extra info.

Correct. Thank god(s) I’m out.

Your pictures have been good btw. It’s tough to find the perfect combo of images that contain enough hints for someone to figure out without being giveaways or immediately searchable. I thought both of your recent submissions were right in the range of what they should be.

This could range anywhere from an instant get to impossible but if it needs hints I’ll provide some later. What airport is this?

My guess is that’s the longest commercial runway in North America which is at Denver International Airport.

Way too short on clues for it to be an obscure runway.

Denver isn’t in the mountains and the area around the airport is quite flat. I’d guess it’s somewhere in the Andes.