The Neverending Picture Game

Even if that’s wrong I’m glad I discovered it. Pretty cool place.

Also no

I really don’t want to win but it’s Afghanistan where the Taliban blew up the Buddah statues, what is sick too is my first guess was going to be glib: some place about to be hit with a JDAM, not far off, only thing that threw me off was “nep.jpg”

So, Buddhas_of_Bamyan ?

I’m just going to pull a power move and post without confirmation of previous post

That’s a winner. I don’t believe any JDAM’s were dropped nearby. There aren’t many pro-Taliban in Bamyan (can’t imagine why) so it was a relatively quiet province post-US invasion. Filename was just the name of the thread abbreviated.

South entrance of University College in University of Toronto, in Toronto Canada

edit: I had no idea and I couldn’t find anything to just search for, but it reverse imaged searched right off.

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Yep, did you need the CN tower in the reflection as clue? I was going to post one without it but it’s a fun little detail that I can confirm I saw many times there.

I saw the reflection, but I couldn’t make it out well enough. Now that you tell me, I can see it there.

Micro’s bellybutton.


Micro’s butthole.

keeed pre potato selfie

Winner. Keed’s bellybutton!

Category: thing


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lol rekt

I guess I should have cropped it even more lol

I don’t know if anyone noticed, but I posted Keeed’s belly and thought it was too much, deleted it, and posted a more tightly cropped pic.

This game is really never ending?
