The Neverending Picture Game

Everyone on the street I live on parks facing the same way on both sides of the street and its not even a one way street. But anyway, that was a clue and I went with it. And, nope, one day in Paris is my sum total of time in France.

Additional hint. This is the view from the platform in front of the building:

It is in Germany.

Apparently it is the law to park in the right direction here in France (donā€™t own a car so donā€™t have to know this stuff), so you were unlucky.

International Maritime Museum in Hamburg?

EDIT: Nah def. not. Remember there being a shitton of red brick buildings when I visited Hamburg.

Landtag Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel

Or Landeshaus. idk what the right word for the building is.

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I scanned the entire Elbe through Hamburg before trying some other German port city (lol there are no other German port cities).


Nice find. I was on the same path scanning the entire Elbe lol.

me too, lol. tbh, the ā€œhintā€ picture with a shipyard in it threw me off so I definitely was all over Hamburg on google maps :stuck_out_tongue:

That was kind of what I guessed would happen :wink:

Landtag is the name of the state parliament which meets in the Landeshaus, which is the name of the building. It used to be the ā€žcollegeā€œ for the imperial German Navy.

I feel if I ask Iā€™ll be laughed at, so more reason to ask, what is that white rocket like signal light in the hint? Anything special, I feel like Iā€™ve seen that specific thing before.

I thought it looked like a parliament building but knew it wasnā€™t the Reichstag, so gave up. Not cut out for the game, really

Iā€˜m not sure. There is a port for Baltic Sea cruise ships up the ā€žFƶrdeā€œ, so it might be a signal light for those.

Lol. I scanned Hamburg and a fair amount of the Elbe and was going up and down the Rhine.

This one should be pretty easy. Just a question of who gets there first.

The blue plane is a Blue Angel. Home base is Pensecola FL.

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Florida is incorrect. Looking for more than the jet.

Picture looks like it was taken from inside a ship that the plane is on, but I dunno if Iā€™m going to be able to get the ship.

Naval Air Station Oceana is incorrect.