The Neverending Picture Game

Nice, France?

Not bad, it’s France. Not Nice, though.

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It’s definitely French Riviera. I can tell by the curve at the top. Looks identical to Nice’s boardwalk in design


Aren’t those chalk cliffs in the background?

Not Cannes.

Drove the route from Monaco to Saint Tropez a couple of years ago, stopping off at Antibes (which was the only place either of us liked), and this doesn’t look familiar.

Did some research .

Boulevard de la Mer?


Promenade des Anglais does not have that grass strip thing and the buildings in Nice are older (tiled roofs etc.).
Looking at the beach this is definitely not the Atlantic coast and based on the type of buildings it seems like a place that was constructed after WWII. So no idea.

Looked that up. So you seem to be correct here. So the picture must have been taken at high tide.
I thought the vegetation looked more like the north of France, but the beach threw me off.

It’s Dieppe, or Le Havre, somewhere like that.

It‘s Dieppe.


Plus the parking lots.

I’ll look something up

Here we are. Looks hard at first glance but there are likely enough hints that an observant person could nail it. Should be a lock if you’ve been there.


Castell Montjuic, Barcelona?

Second guess would be Akropolis, Athens

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Palamidi fortress in Greece? Not at all confident in that answer but my quick research makes it seem possible.

Sant’Elmo castle in Naples?

Correct! It was my first day in Athens the first week of February 2017. Rained way too much that day.

It was fascinating to see so many seemingly stray dogs sleeping peacefully all over the city. One would think that they would be starving, diseased or dangerous since they have no owner. But all around the city at countless tourist attractions, restaurants, and other populated areas, you’d see healthy looking dogs sleeping like babies either on cooler ground or hiding from the sun.

It was as though they were part of the scenery of the city. It added a bit of charm to Athens.

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Next one. Place/ building:

Why the hell are all those cars in France parked facing the wrong direction? I spent a long time looking at beaches in countries where you drive on the left!

Wow, have you never parked in Dieppe?! All one way round there.