The Neverending Picture Game

You got it with “inverter”. This was a thing, not a place. It’s in Hermosa Beach, CA. Owner doesn’t seem like a big gamer.

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The next thing better be somewhere I’ve been or something I’ve seen or I am out.

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I gotta take the dog for a walk and then go pick up my daughter at the Greyhound bus station in downtown Los Angeles, so if I don’t get this one in 30 seconds that’s why.


Guarantee it will not be. :(

Edit: or maybe not. nvm

Nice one. A guy from a website already on the terror watch list about to start googling bombs.


Skydiver is gonna get this right away, so the rest of you have a limited window of opportunity.

It’s a Mk 41 thermonuclear bomb. 25 megaton yield.

Largest yield bomb ever made by the US.

Also called the B-41


Gotta give us the location of this object, but I suppose that will be no problem for you.

I suck ass at this game.Those of you playing along at home can guess where a Mk 41 thermonuclear bomb with a 25 megaton yield might be located at.

Ahh it’s the one the American’s didn’t have plums to drop after the Russians dropped the Czar Bomba?

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25 megaton yield, pretty unpredictable right?

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Hint: someone took a picture of it, so there’s that.

oh, you want the place! I can’t see much background, but I know there’s one at the Air Force Museum at Wright-Patt in Dayton, so I’m gonna guess it’s that one

(kinda not fair, i was stationed there, heh)

OK, I will do my best to put up a picture of a place that is google-able or people have been to.

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OK you win, OMG I hate this game so much. How am I so bad at this.

Ok this one shouldn’t be too hard. Where am I?

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Sagrada familia?


yup. I like ceilings. Apparently that was too easy. your turn!

Jeebus, they don’t make ceilings like they used to.

edit: I guess they do. This building is still under construction. Projected completion in 2026.

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yup. and it’s going to absolutely fucking gigantic. they haven’t even built the main tower yet and the place is already massive.

The first time i visited, in 1998, you couldn’t even go inside yet. This pic was in 2012, it’s the ceiling of the main chancel of the church, most of which is complete now.

Edit - I got it done. Not sure if this is easy ish or hard or impossible.