The Neverending Picture Game


I think the clue was too good. Is K.69 like a kilometer marker?

yes, it is! I said place or thing would qualify, so your turn!

Itā€™s this:

In Galicia, Spain, 69 km before you reach the cathedral n Santiago de Compostela

Iā€™ve entertained the idea of someday moving to that country, especially that region (if Iā€™m right), but Iā€™ve never seen pictures of anywhere in that country that didnā€™t look too hot and arid for me, even in the mountains. But that looks pretty awesome.

The hint was too good imo - like cheating.

Northern Spain is completely differentā€¦much more green. Galicia has a climate much like the Pacific Northwest. Basque Country is mountainous, kind of like the Appalchians.

The hint I gave was a link to a movie about the Camino de Santiago, which I walked in 2012. ~800 km total.

Very nice. Maybe some day. Iā€™d like to do a long walk like that. Iā€™m looking at the weather in Galicia and it does look really good. Iā€™m surprised itā€™s that cool. Northern Spain is still like more south than Southern France, but I guess the Atlantic side is much cooler.

Santiago, Santander, Bilbao, and San Sebastian are all worth a visit, and itā€™s nice because there arenā€™t a ton of American tourists thereā€¦Americans all want to see flamenco and moorish architecture (which is also amazing). You know, typical Spain. But the people, climate, and food/wine in the North are all light years better, IMHO

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Iā€™ve been to two of those and also (been) driven through the Pyrenees from France en route to Northern Spain. Canā€™t recommend the region enough


Are we waiting on @microbet to post a picture?

i think so! He got mine.

To be clear for those who donā€™t care to read the whole post train, mine is of the kilometer 69 marker on the ā€œFrench Routeā€ of the Camino de Santiago (69 km left to go), located in A Mamurria, Galicia, Spain. At this point, youā€™re about 3-days worth of walking left to go until you reach the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain. The climate of Galicia is like that of the Pacific Northwest in the US, hence the green rainforest look of the hint picture.

hereā€™s a bonus picture of me at the 100 km marker outside of Sarria, Galicia. Fun Fact: when you complete the Camino, the Catholic Church grants you an indulgence, meaning all your previous sins are forgiven without the need for confession or penance. However, for it to ā€œcountā€ in the eyes of the church, you have to walk at least 100km of the pilgrimage. So a lot of people who donā€™t have time to do then entire thing start in Sarria. The camino at this point gets considerably more crowded. I have a shit-eating grin because i have already walked ~700 km, so this felt like a huge win.



Oh. I didnā€™t say this, but I was thinking I didnā€™t really get it and skydiver8 should post again. Whatā€™s up with you people not reading my mind!?!

I will do it when I get home in an hour or so if skydiver8 hasnā€™t gone ahead.


Leo Carrillo State Beach?


Looks like something I saw in the Blue Lagoon in Malta

Nope. Itā€™s on the US West Coast. I took the picture.

Iā€™ll give yā€™all a clue to make it so skydiver8 has a little less of an advantage. That is all. (But you gotta get the exact spot)

lmao, I feel like I should sit this one out

They had their chance and it looks like Iā€™d have to give them more of a clue than just itā€™s something where you have a big advantage. Go for it imo.

It is of course Sunny Jimā€™s Cave in La Jolla.