The Neverending Picture Game

Prison is a more accurate description.

But here’s a hint. I took this picture in 2017.

Pankrac prison in Prague?

No but you’re much closer geographically than the other guesses

“much closer” really narrows it down to the Czech Republic then as someone already guessed Auschwitz, which is maybe 200 miles from Prague.
A holding cell at the Nuremburg trials or something like that might be a little closer, but that and Dresden are the only two places outside the Czech Republic that qualify.

edit: wikipedia tells me that the courthouse where the Nuremburg trials took place are still in use, so I guess you would not find a cell like that around there.

Keep in mind that the previous answers were based in America. So being in Europe is much closer.

It is in Europe?

This was the first answer, so I based my guess on that:

The location where this photo was taken is indeed in Europe. It is nowhere west of Prague.

Guess this pic has the curse of being too vague

Some prison cell in Russia? Nowhere west of Prague, 2017 anniversary of 1917, no idea

If I give away more information about the location, I’ll have effectively given the answer as it’ll narrow the possible to answer to just a few locations.

So let me offer a different hint:

It is the type of prison that a tourist would want to see when visiting the place it is in.

In hindsight, this probably narrowed it down more. Oh well.

Is it Treblinka?

The Eyrie?

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The not Neverending Picture Game? I think we are stumped. I’d guess some prisons in St. Petersburg that tourists can visit, but I didn’t find anything matching the picture.

It’s got to be a cell some famous person lived in. I’m guessing not Mandela. Maybe Trotsky.

Sorry for making this so hard

It is The KGB Museum in Riga, Latvia which was a prison during the days of the Soviet Union before being turned into a tourist attraction after Latvia gained independence. They would fit upwards of 40 people in that small room.

Do I post another picture?

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Is there meaning to the white paper/plaque with a key? on it, upper center,

yeah go again? why not

I don’t remember

Might be a bit before I find a picture since I’m at work

Okay, I’ll provide an easy one to compensate for the really hard one.

Oxford Street Christmas lights?


You’re up!