The Neverending Picture Game

Pretty sure that is the College of Winterhold.

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Saw the Icelandic church which I snap knew only to see that it was answered ages ago. Damn.

A bunch of different-colored bowls of varying sizes sitting in a lathe?

I’m kind of disappointed that it wasn’t posted along with a roommate problem.

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This is a pretty accurate description of it mechanically but it is a thing that has an unmistakable name and function. It’s not a bowl-turning lathe or anything like that.

CNC Wood Turning Machine?

No it’s not a machine/tool that makes things. It’s complete as shown. It doesn’t come apart, the bowls don’t come off, etc. Piece on the floor to the left of it is the cover which is the only removable part afaik.

It’s a glass harmonica similar to this one:

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OMFG 30 seconds too late!! :grin:

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Slow pony brah


Hmm, looks like a room at Auschwitz, perhaps?


Something to do with a hanging?

Solitary exercise yard in prison. Alcatraz?


Not Alcatraz. Not an exercise yard. You’re on the right track though.

The thing on the back wall looks like it could be a shower, so it could be a shower for solitary. I googled various prisons and showers and exercise and couldn’t come up with a match.

Is it at one of those old insane asylums?

I was about to answer “Danny Thomas” before realizing that the table isn’t glass.

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Solitary confinement exercise yard at Pelican Bay?