The National Football League

Also set the record for pick sixes (7)

Watched the 9ers Seahawks highlights. It made no sense at the end I thought, obviously no way Seattle spikes at the one and then just stands about taking a delay of game. But the write up suggests thatā€™s exactly what happened. Guess I need to watch the thing in real time, but that seems like hall of fame terrible coaching.

Thats exactly what happened.

Some are speculating that with the crowd noise the guys on the field thought they had taken a timeout and didnt hear the coaching staff yelling at them to get on the ball, but that hasnt been proven yet.

If so, the irony of Seattleā€™s crowd noise costing them this game is just too perfect.


Pats annoy me as much as the next guy, but the 2nd half of this post has a chance to age like milk. In before they sign a handful of guys off the scrap heap that all wind up having all-Pro seasons, and Brady somehow throws for like 6000yd.

I do agree that their ceiling is probably one playoff win this season without some insane luck.

Fun stat of the season

Bucs definitely had to be rollercoaster team of the year and maybe decade. So crazy watching Winston and receivers making insane plays and then watching Winston and dbs making insane plays.

Pretty close here. 12 touches and 2.8 ypc



Fins fired their OC, poor guy, seems wrong

Also Xavian Howard charged with domestic violence so heā€™s probably facing a lengthy suspension

Miami was thought to be worst team in the league and some thought worst everā€“they ended up not worst team in the league, ergo he did great job.

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Skins fire Bruce Allen holy shit

Also hiring riverboat Ron as new coach

No exaggeration, I havenā€™t read much 22 so I havenā€™t seen his takes, but Howlpert would Be literally the first Dolphins fan Iā€™ve heard who didnā€™t like Flores. Heā€™s easily the best hire since Johnson (an admittedly low bar but still).

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Itā€™s just dumb corporate shit, he was handed a dozen rotten eggs so the omelets came out tasting shitty. They have to look like theyā€™re doing something after a bad year etc.

Or maybe theyā€™re pissed at how well Drake played with Arizona and thought Chad just didnā€™t know wtf he was doing?

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Apparently dolphins hiring Chan Gailey as OC. Good luck with that.

Eli ainā€™t coming back. He doesnā€™t need to hang in the NFL for backup money. Heā€™s got enough. Same with Rivers.

Bardy coming back. Making the playoffs is success enough to maintain a starting job.

rivers probably comes back just to get away from all his kids.



Multiple teams interviewing Fat Mike. They never ever learn

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Iā€™m pretty sure I wrote this on 22, but Halpert is absolutely right.

Even Gase playoffed in his first year in Mia. So a bit short term success shouldnā€™t dissuade one from his conclusion.

Stuff like firing the OC, on the other hand, is pretty telling.

Iā€™m very confident that Flores is going to be Gase-level bad. And no one wants to be wrong about that more than I do.

I was going to say donā€™t read into selling the house too much. Iā€™m sure his kids are in private boarding school somewhere and he has property all over the world.

But was talking with someone higher up on the food chain from ESPN(not Schefter) at a get together tonight whose general sportā€™s opinion I respect. It was their opinion heā€™s likely done in NE and going to end up in LA (which could make sense since he has another house there) or Miami (which I heartedly chuckled at).

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