The National Football League

Isn’t Gordon’s substance issue just pot or did I miss something else? A hearty lol to the NFL where Major League Baseball is starting to be more progressive on that issue than the NFL.

Seen it about 100x on the local news here. Kid did throw a dime in the fog/rain though.

Drew Bree kind of a legend it seems.

That Gordon situation is more proof that God doesn’t exist–you know Russell Wilson prayed for him to stay out of trouble.

You know that long diving catch Gordon made last weekend? That was Jesus that made that catch.

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Definitely something mental going on.

Guy needs drug rehab. Either that or the NFL has to make weed legal like the MLB just did.

Stunned that it took this long

Can they put him in the hall of fame for running two different franchises into the ground?

Won the SB with the Giants twice and did very well with the Jaguars very early in their existence.

I’d argue that he did quite well in the NFL. Not sure how he did in BC though.

oh lolme i forgot the superb owls, and with the mongoloid manning too, I guess he just lost his edge in Jax

Dude’s in his 70s. Didn’t even know he was still in the league until he got fired.

but I mean tbf when he left NY it was in tatters so he’s been shit for a while now

he’s also the one who paid fololes way too much

Meh. Pretty much everyone fails at their last job. I thought Foles was worth a shot, but not at the price they paid. Problem is, there is a population of 325 million people in the US, and it seems that there are about 10-15 people who are competent to play the position in the NFL.

Agree he stayed too long, but hard to walk away from the money and the perks, I guess.

adding - I forgot (or more accurately, never realized) that he’s apparently the last dinosaur in terms of the “rub some dirt on it, you pansy” school of coaching and has more complaints for toxic work environment than the rest of the league combined - and several of his player took the time to take a victory lap when he got canned. So yeah, probably time to go.


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After Fowler got all his fine money back for Coughlin’s illegal fines (like $700k!!), NFLPA claimed the other day that in the past two years over 25% of all grievances filed came out of Jax.

Today’s games are only on NFL Network? OK, I checked the Yahoo Sports mobile app, and they will have all three games. So now I just need to find an HDMI adapter, and I’m all set.

Edit: Maybe not, the app said that screen mirroring is not allowed. So I guess I’ll try an iPad. I really don’t want to go to a bar with a bunch of Massholes.



It appears that the only thing between Tampa and greatness is their QB

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Crazy thing is he will have almost 5K yards at the end of the year.


What was 24 rams doing

He has the elite plays you want from a top QB but he just turns the damn ball over too much. TB also top tier run defense. They’re a little pass defense plus maybe only 50% of those winston turnovers away from being a pretty good team.

in other words they suck next year

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