The National Football League

Daunte Culpepper was successful as a fat QB. He was even pretty good running with the ball too.

Granted, Ben is in his mid 30s. Might be more Jared Lorenzen than Culpepper at this point.

It disgusts me that the NFL is hijacking the Newtown high school football state championship into some kind of feel good story.

We have two separate stories here:

  1. A horrific tragedy enabled by Republicans

  2. A high school football team that won a state championship


Remember when they hijacked pat tillmanā€™s death into one? This ainā€™t new son.

The NFL is paid millions by the military to do all of this army propaganda before games (flyovers, special jerseys, personal greetings by athletes in little side bits etc). None of this is new and itā€™s totally infuriating.

Pouncey being nominated for NFL man of the year. Wat?

Dude thinks Aaron Hernandez is innocent and curb stomps players he doesnā€™t like.

Thatā€™s the best guy they could find on the Steelers


Getting into a fight with a brown makes you man of the year in Pittsburgh.

If Bills ship the Vinny L do they get the White House invite?

Ralph Wilson is dead so probably

Are the Bucs still alive? Their offense has been impressive lately. The Crabber is the first QB to throw 450+ yards in back to back games. He threw for like 250 in first quarter today. Bucs were at own 1 yard line and scored a TD. Most of the yardage was by passing.

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Nope they are out. They can win the next 2 and still not make it.

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dug too deep a hole

and a couple of those losses shouldnā€™t have beenā€¦ fg that was missed at the death to win 1, and Jameis doing retarded shit in a couple others

Yea Iā€™m a Giants fan. Iā€™m well aware of the Bucs crapping the bed lol.

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u reminded me. that was a catastrophic loss for TB

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Steelers loss reveals the duck is not all heā€™s quacked up to be

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With Clevelandā€™s loss yesterday Theyā€™re officially not above .500 every year for the decade of the teens

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Oakland has quite the insane parlay needed to get there.

Shame Cleveland isnā€™t technically eliminated either. Only a formality for a week though.

As I see it:
Oakland wins 2
Pittsburgh loses 2
Tennessee loses 2
Cleveland loses at least 1
Indianapolis wins exactly 2 of the last 3


Iā€™m not a medical professional but I suspect Josh Gordon might have issues.

I actually feel terrible for the guy and hope he gets help, unlikely as it may be at this point.