The National Football League

True about points scored, but the kicker is the only person on the pitch who can score (apart from very rare trick plays) when they are on the pitch, so they get all the points. However, just like on a normal offensive play, other players do contribute to scoring the points. What would the stats be like if you averaged out points scored across all the people on the pitch at the time?

(I have no idea, possibly kickers are still the GOATs)

I say we go back to where we have RBs randomly drop-kick a FG from behind the line during a scrimmage play.

Eliminate all kicker-only players and only a guy who’s played at least 10%? of plays on either side of the ball can line up for a kick.

“Kicks can only be made by players that were on the field during the previous play” could result in some hilarity. Do you bring your kicker in to line up as a wide receiver on third and 6 from the 25yd line? Does a long out-of-nowhere touchdown run mean one of the wide receivers ends up kicking the extra point? Which linebacker gets to kick after a pick 6? Man this could be so much fun

meh… there are already too many games decided by kickaaaaaahhhhs

Trying to ensure he’s an MVP lock was the only reason I could think of as to why he was still on the field late in the 4th quarter last night. But really he shouldn’t need it. It shouldn’t even be close.

Had to bench Mahomes in fantasy lol

this will not end well

Looking like the Pats should have cheated harder

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Might the Denver braintrust target their #1 receiver this game? Not an unreasonable question when Fangioloid is in charge.

Nah they cheated the correct amount

The refs, man. It makes it hard to enjoy.

lol cowboys
lol dax
if you’re a qb, you gotta be able to handle the coin toss. definite worth $35M a year

Haven’t watched a second of football this season. Am not complaining


The product on the field has actually been pretty good. I’d call it an above-average season as far as play. But the refs seem to be regressing.

Browns hype! allowing Kenyon Drake to basically walk in untouched for his 4th rushing TD of the day.

last game in the black hole in Oakland, and the raiders are going to go out in style by blowing a 10pt 4th quarter lead.

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Apparently the Giants decided to win instead of tank.

Nice work assholes.

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Who would have ever guessed that Eskimo Clark would be reincarnated as an NFL QB?