The National Football League

I don’t think it’s his fault, but I also don’t think he can carry the term on his back like he used to, especially with his supporting cast (or lack thereof) - I think the longform article on ESPN today by Barnwell was a pretty good summary - basically, they’re dangerous in any game because of Brady and Belichick, but the offensive line is a tire fire and the receiving core is lousy.


NE’s never given a shit about home field in the playoffs. At least I remember them tanking a very winnable W17 game some year they would’ve gotten 1 seed.

BB loves to mess with things, he’ll put in random shit in blowouts just to screw with all the people who try to chart tendencies.

It might be oddly fitting if Brady wins one more SB as a game manager not even throwing for 150yd, just like his first one. Doubt this team has the defense for it though, early success notwithstanding.

Brady honestly looks fine. His skill position cast is atrocious.

SCORCHING take. What were you thinking last year as they lost 5 games?

The o-line did a great job and he’ll get on the same page with the WR by the playoffs. No one could get open and they ran the wrong routes several times. You can’t throw the ball to someone who isn’t open.

I am still not satisfied with explanations of why Josh Gordon is not with the Pats right now. They really need him.

Last year we had Gronk. He wasnt at his best anymore but deep down you knew he will have something left in the tank for when it matters.
And I agree with you there that you cant throw to people who aren’t open. That’s the most infuriating thing you see each week on redzone deep throws where (noname) players are so wide open down field its ridiculous. But you barely see that with NE recently. I never give up as long as time hasnt run out everything is possible like the 3:28 comeback but I also always assume the worst case scenario.

I don’t think Watson was that amazing last night. They had a short field on the INT and that sack he escaped was a drive killer. Lamar absolutely torched them.

I really hate that those are called interceptions instead of something like tipped ball.

Bungles gonna Bungle. Should’ve been a Steelers fan, even at our worst we still compete for the playoffs. Plus we call each other yinz, which is a perk!

Some INTs are insanely bad luck, but something like that is still on the QB. It’s his job to find a lane to throw through where nobody can tip it.

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I’m going to disagree, as many or more times that a tip could be anticipated by a better quarterback they are pure bad luck or start with a poor receiver. They at least need the same kind of distinction as MLB has between a wild pitch and a passed ball.

If there is a distinction between types of interceptions, it should be between whether it was more the quarterback’s fault or the receiver’s fault. That would be the same as wild pitch vs passed ball; whether the pitcher or catcher is more to blame.

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The deflection at the line would be on the QB anyways

Riverboat Ron is riverboat gone

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NORV already on staff, gogogogogogo

Rivera to Dallas after Lincoln Riley, Nick Saban and Dabo Swinney turn Jerruh down?

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Am I a dumb bears fan (don’t take that easy bait) if I want them to get Andy Dalton next year?

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