The National Football League

Gonna be some more bad news coming out about WFT I bet. Racist news too.

Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

WFT beat guys are saying this has been planned with Taylor’s family for a while, they’re just morons and never announced it.

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I’m Roger Goodell and I pre-approved this message


That is a fair point but surely you aren’t saying that homophobia, misogyny and anti semitism haven’t been and aren’t even today an issue with the hip hop culture.
I mean apart from the n*** word which is used in the reclaimed context by African Americans , do you think there are other offensive phrases that would be ok for an African American rapper like Dr. dre but not for a white rapper like Eminem.

Or are you being consistent and giving the slim shady a pass as well?

Do the numerous domestic violence and battery allegations against Dr Dre not count, because
a. No conviction
B. He’s black so we can’t be sure they aren’t trumped up charges.

And just to be clear I think gurden is a POS, it’s just that I also think Dr Dre is.

In this own words allegedly.
Again if you want to be an apologist for homophobic and misogynistic words in rap lyrics for the sake of art, you might want to choose a slightly more upstanding example.

No one under 40 cares about Dre, hip hop these days is maybe not progressive, but stuff like Drake and most of the big guys are not rapping in the style you saw in the 90s. DaBaby got kicked out of Lolla and Governors Ball for a homophobic rant on stage over the summer for example.

Things have been changing - that’s true. I just decide to mention Dre because he was mentioned as a person who gets a pass to use offensive words because it’s just art.

My thesis is basically - progressives need to call out BS when they see it, and being from an oppressed group doesn’t mean the individual has some kind of free pass or is graded on a curve wrt ethical standards.

TLDR: some hip-hop lyrics and the actions of the artists are problematic and we can’t just give them a pass coz “artistic expression”.

I dont think anyone is saying they get a pass, but its not the same as work emails either.

It doesn’t really matter whether it is private or public or whatever. Many businesses don’t want to be associated with bigots. And if they find out you are one, then it is reasonable that they would terminate their relationship with you.

If emails were leaked improperly, then whoever did the leaking is the one that Gruden and his slappies should have a beef with. But to tell the employer “Well you shouldn’t have been able to discover that he was a bigot, but even though you did through no fault of your own, you just have to pretend that he isn’t” seems like the hottest of hot takes.

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Literally every gangsta rap album in that time frame was loaded with misogynistic lyrics. Doesn’t make it right. But if someone apologizes and grows up, I’m not going to hold it against them for life.

I listened to all that shit in the 90s and thought it was cool. I didn’t hate women but I thought the lyrics were funny. I’m not super proud of that either. I can’t listen to most of N4L now, even thought I still love the the rest of the sound (other than the lyrics).

Well, good to know that nobody else that the owners wanted to get rid of said anything bad about the boss.

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Seems like this was missed in the back and forth, but Dr. Dre is relevant here because he is one of the people performing at the Super Bowl.

Yes, and the super bowl is not marketed to young people. As hilarious a Lil Nas X half time show would be, we will have to wait until 2038.