The National Football League

Wait. Is this a new thing? Because I read about this happening years ago.

Wait what did he do?

Oh man that’s way too buddy-buddy.

Kind of reminds me of how the UFC works with journalists.

that has been journalism for quite some time, it’s why everyone hates them

Right replace Schefter with “Maggie Haberman” and Allen with “Ivanka Trump”

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sounds like you do in fact have sympathy

Stafford is leading the NFL in ANY/A and DVOA, he’s second in DYAR, third in yards, T-4th in touchdowns.

Very excited for Jeb Gurden



Not 1 single person itt has actually stated where the line should be.

Also, Fuck off.

What a shame that no one will indulge your little devil’s advocate intellectual masturbation where you try to figure out the precise degree where shitting on women, Black people, and gay people goes from acceptable to unacceptable.

That’s the way you’re choosing to read what I said. Done listening to the hypocritical virtue signalers who at this point are no different than Tipper Gore or the sanctimonious religious zealouts.

I’m guessing you’re ok with the halftime show featuring the most overrated mc in history who spewed the same nonsense.

" I even make the bitches I rape cum"

These takes are no different than the lolmedia. Find someone else to otherize.

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We shouldn’t have to explain that a song lyric is not the same as a work email.

none of these were while Jon was in the NFL (that have been leaked anyway) and how in the fucking world does saying bad stuff in direct public = get a pass but private = must cancel them

and don’t give me “song lyric” bullshit excuse, he wouldn’t have put it in there if he didn’t agree with it

I really don’t like this societal trend of where some people get got for private conversations and people who say worse shit or worse, actually do worse shit publically nothing happens and people like you and others on here either defend with nonsensical excuses like what you just said or simply don’t give a shit.

This logic is so ridiculous. I’m done wasting time on this. I give zero fricks what you guys think at this point.

I have never made any debate on this forum personal or impugned anyone’s character. When you start patronizing and judging I’m out.

LOL at the idea that what people say in lyrics doesn’t matter. Another absolutely asinine statment.

He was a broadcaster for NFL games, working for Disney while he was emailing nudes of women who didn’t consent to how they were treated. That same company pays the NFL billions of dollars a year as a partner.

I genuinely don’t think Dre lyrics touch on Grudens behavior. Not by a mile. Like, if we want to talk about Snoop being on trial for murder or something? Fine.

or Dre beating up Dee Barnes, for a better comparison

Art can be a thorny issue; some expressions of racism / sexism / homophobia are genuine, and some aren’t. I watched Blazing Saddles again and I’m reminded of this anecdote from filming:

Anyway, Gruden wasn’t someone who used those words in his art or anything; he was someone in charge of an organization (not at the time, but let’s not act like he flipped that switch when he became coach again-- just ask Marquette King) who repeatedly and consistently belittled women, gay people, Black people-- and specifically other members of what is, essentially, the business he’s a part of-- basically anyone who isn’t a conservative white man in the good-ol-boy network who thinks anyone who isn’t a meathead is gay. He’s way past whatever line is acceptable for someone in his position.

(Although frankly I think framing it as “the line” is absurd, because it’s trying to impose a black-and-white, binary framework on an issue that often is not.)

That said, my cynicism is high enough and my opinion of Roger Goodell is low enough that I also don’t think these would have come out if Gruden hadn’t called him what he called him.


Aside, I dunno if this is a hot take, but I kinda believe Gruden when he said he never meant to hurt anybody. And that’s the whole problem, because it says a lot about who he considers, or doesn’t consider, “anybody.”


Cue trucker hat and fat Sun glass montage picture.

Hence why I said I don’t give a fuck about Gruden. The talking heads on ESPN cashing in on it is what’s obviously a farce.

Randy Moss was a raging asshole in his playing days. I still remember a story where he verbally abused the ever living frick out of a mom and pop catering company that served a Vikings practice.

I worked for 2 decades in pizzerias. People who treat food service workers and or drive thru employees like shit are the nut low. I judged Moss on that 1 incident.

Then a few years later I was watching him give an interview and rethought my whole mindset. Maybe he was in pain. Maybe something happened to him behind the scenes we don’t know about.

Point being nobody knows who anyone is at any given point. The first email that was leaked on Gruden was from 10 years ago. Once again, I have no sympathy for him.

I’m sure the NFL is going to release all the emails tho since they are absolutely concerned with the Puritanical social justice that you guys are.

The lyric I quoted is obviously Eminem.

Of course Snoop also had a song where he intimated that sexual enjoyment with a female was impeded unless everyone else had sex with her too.

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This is not about “puritanical social justice”, at least not to me. It’s about a coach maintaining the respect of his players. That’s a big part of the job description. Gruden’s position is untenable with that stuff out there.

I’m generally against outing the contents of private emails when there’s no criminal or clearly abusive element, and this is no different as the content is more in the category of “gross”. But I also don’t have a lot of sympathy because sending that kind of shit over work email is incredibly unprofessional and indiscreet, and professionalism and discretion are also part of the job for someone working in such a public role, being one of the public faces of the Raiders organization, etc.