The National Football League

2 out of 3 ain’t bad

Do you even football?

I mean okay the racist language one maybe but plenty of players can chalk that up as just having to deal with somebody they don’t like as part of their job. The rest is probably standard across the league.

I totally agree with riverman. This doesn’t even come out if Roger wasn’t insulted.

Just saw a tiktok by a guy who does a little story time of such things. He blasted gruden but ALL of the comments were like “what did he say that was wrong.” “What did he say that wasn’t true?”


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I laugh at lawyers and all but

" It is truly outrageous that after the NFL’s 10-month long investigation involving hundreds of witnesses and 650,000 documents related to the longtime culture of harassment and abuse at the Washington Football Team, the only person to lose their job is the coach of the Las Vegas Raiders,”

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Evil rich people always win.

I don’t know politics or history, but I do know Star Trek.

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:+1: Now do KNJ.

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was wondering why blake bortles, but seattle’s OC was on the rams staff so that makes sense, doesn’t have to get him up to speed as much as others

I really hope this was an intentional pun

I was just happy someone noticed

So Farve is an asshole, apparently.

Oh come on, we’d all steal from needy families if we had the chance, even if we were already worth 10s of millions. Stop virtue signaling. Don’t hate the player hate the game.

it’s the same as the previous one btw with Favre

except he still hasn’t paid the full amount

and reading the article there’s a lot more well off people who got a lot from this

libertarians have a point, all this stuff still goes to rich people Most states would do nothing about it and we wouldn’t know.

re: Libertarians - does this shit happen in Norway? I don’t think so, but I could be wrong.

The Jags haven’t made a single field goal all season

Lol Schefter what a fraud. And lol ESPN for multiple reasons as always

The Schefter stuff everyone already knew 100% right? I mean it’s still something to get caught. But there’s no way reporters like him, Rappaport, King don’t pretty much let the NFL write their stories in exchange for access.

King was especially egregious talking about Gruden

It’s all journalistic malpractice but they’ve had way more lucrative careers than anyone else.

holy ****

663 more yards than the Chicago Bears