The National Football League

Poetic license only goes so far. Do you actually believe the people who Davis is concerned about are okay with the word “faggot” being dropped in a lyric?

Film is a different medium than lyricism in song.

This is basically every dumb “cancel culture” argument you see on Fox News.

It’s a really bad post, you’re better than that.

We should also remember that white media spent basically 25 years trying to vilify hip hop, with everything from parental advisory labels to hearings in congress. They just won the war.


“I wouldn’t want anyone reading my emails!”

  • horrible people telling on themselves all over the internet today

Guess Gruden should have said all those things during Hard Knocks, then.

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Love your posting dude but this statement is straight up asinine.

Hip hop might literally be the most dominant force in the world right now.

Is this post directed at me? I sure hope not.

Dude this isnt even close to an apt comparison and you know it.

This is not just about offensive language. You can’t go full cultural warrior against kneeling for the anthem, gays in the league, women refs, and using racist language, and still be respected in an NFL locker room. “The Line” in this case is did you do something that will cause NFL players to not want to listen to you at all, and Gruden crossed it, he’s done. He’s too much of a liability as an NFL coach now, and that’s all this really was about.

I’m sure there are several NFL coaches that share his views, but they are smart enough to keep them off the internet. He has the only openly gay player in the NFL on his team for fucks sake. The shit he said, while in a vacuum is not any worse than what Trump might say at a rally (not a high bar tho) makes him completely toxic as an NFL coach. However if OANN decides to do an NFL show I’m sure he’d be their first choice as an anchor.


Gruden/Tebow 2028

Baker, Burrow, and Stafford do not belong on this list

Tebow just simply gets annoited President ala the end of Angels and Demons. Lol having to run for office in 2028.

People in the future are definitely not going to believe that there was an actual football team called “The Redskins” as recently as 2020. It’s like, wait, what? You mean 1920, not 2020, right? Just imagine explaining to someone in 2060 how that was a thing.

Seems totally reasonable but I can’t be sure if that’s partly because I’m afraid he might stab me.


Did he film this while hang gliding?

He was fixing a radio tower.


Looks like a balcony over a golf course to me. He’s looking good. I might try to adopt that style. Already have similar shirt and sunglasses.

Do you have Isotoners and Bruno Maglis?


No but have faith that the cops will provide them if the need arises.

The Gruden thing happen so quickly that there was no time for this to happen, but I would have been fascinated if it dragged on without any action by Raiders management and a player or players said they wouldn’t play if he was coach. On the one hand, I doubt it would have happened - players would be too scared - but on the other hand, Gruden said enough awful shit about enough groups of people that I wouldn’t have been totally shocked if a few players banded together to sit out.