The National Football League

Has the guy this clown on NFLN is touting as the 15th best player in the draft been personally featured whiffing on a tackle in one of the clips? I don’t know ND football all that well.

All that matters in terms of running backs is pass blocking and pass catching and not sucking at running the ball. Draft rankings are based on running the ball ability first which is a huge inefficiency, Harris is pretty good at blocking and catching/ running routes while Etienne is more about running after the catch which I don’t love about him/ reports don’t like his pass blocking although it’s not considered a big weakness which is a reason for optimism.

edit: I want to elaborate that I feel the difference between running the football between NFL running backs is actually really small and the success/impact of a running back has more to do with blocking and receiving than running the ball as long as they don’t have Trent Richardson vision.

I’ve been focussing on my beer more than the non featured player in the clips. Scouting report on JOK is that he can cover anyone and provide run support, but is overaggressive and goes for big hits and misses too much overrunning the play.

Also, being a LB at 215lbs could be a red flag even though he’s considered to have slot corner like coverage ability.

If a team never took a RB in the first round ever again by a team rule, would that be a major mistake?

I think if you have LT available knowing his career that he would be worthy of a 12-20 pick, struggling to think of another player. I mean Derrick Henry goes against everything i’ve said in this thread, but he’s actually so much better at running the ball than everyone else (AP comes close). If you’re all time great at running the ball and not decent in the passing game then maybe you’re worth a pick in the 20s.


Fuck, I was super high on Rousseau and the fucking Bills just took him.

#36 targets for the Phins, Barmore. I don’t know who else

I haven’t really been paying attention because the Seahawks don’t have any picks, any good facemelters?

Just the Raiders, maybe the Steelers and Jaguars.

Sucks that teams seem to be getting smarter.

It is pretty funny that the last two years have been the least that scouts have been able to meet in person and jabber with each other and it may be the best teams have drafted so far


Biggest lols for me are Leatherwood at 17 (Gruden and Mayock are pretty easy; sort by need and then pick the top guy from Alabama / Clemson / Ohio State) and Toney at 20 (gadget player with high bust probability; Bateman is absolutely better).

Great job by the Bears getting the right QB with that trade.

Didn’t know a lot about the Saints pick but I started looking into him a few days ago and he checks all the athletic boxes you want in an edge and I guess has great off-field / character too. So it’s fine. I was bummed Bateman didn’t slide another pick although I’m happy Lamar gets a receiver that good

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I definitely have mixed feelings on Mac Jones. Then again, Bill has a knack for turning unathletic white guys into QBs. Just ask almost everybody who played QB for the Patriots during his tenure.

Gotta be honest. I really didn’t dig this draft. There were some meh late first round picks but they weren’t Jets Draft Blunders awful. For me, that’s the only reason to watch the draft.

I don’t recall there being a lot of lolz during the 2020 draft either. Seems that most teams are getting good at drafting.

How is that when compared to other teams? There are a lot of UDFAs who find their way on as a special teamer. Maybe the Jaguars number isn’t that much out of an outlier.

Chafing is no joke. I recommend lycra shorts (like bicycle shorts w/o the pad). Changed my life.


There’s this weird thing where people think running fast is the only measurement of athletic. Brady got drafted by the Expos and is the best QB of all time, he’s an amazing athlete. Throwing accurately and quickly is an athletic skill.

I don’t know anything about Jones, but if he’s good at that, he’ll probably be fine. It does seem like he has a lower ceiling than the other First Round guys, which is why he went 15th and not 4th. It comes with the price.

I continue to be skeptical of guys who didn’t start until they were 22 and didn’t have the talent to beat out Tua Tagovailoa for three years.

I don’t root against prospects as a rule but I’m glad I’m not rooting for the team that invested in Corky.

If you look back at the history of SB winning QB’s (or even the last 20 years of the modern era) there really aren’t many “athletic” QB’s. The only 2 that I think would even meet that definition are Mahomes and Wilson. And Mahomes has arguably the greatest arm talent of all time. The only other one who can do some damage with his feet was Rodgers. Otherwise it’s a long list of Brady, Mannings (both of em), Roethlisberger, and Brees. Not exactly guys who crushed the speed drills at the combine. But the common thread among them is they know how to avoid the rush with good pocket footowork, and more importantly get the ball out quickly to the open guy before the rush gets home.

I agree. I think a bigger measure of NFL success has always been being able to make a quick read, decision, and accurate throw. It’s what Brady does better than anyone in history. And like PocketChads said, the assumption is you can take a big fast guy with a strong accurate arm and teach him the rest. But now you’ve got guys like Cam Newton, Daniel Jones, Jameis Winston, and Ryan Tannehill that are struggling to find a role beyond fringe starter/bridge QB. Sure they’ve had good seasons, but no consistent pattern of success that more pure passers have had. It’s why Wilson was the clear #2 in this draft. His style of play more closely resembles what SB winning NFL QB play looks like. Same with Lance. I’m not saying Mac is some magician in the pocket who processes things mentally better than anyone. If he was he likely would’ve gone a lot higher. But I don’t think lack of athleticism is what caused his drop because that doesn’t seem to be a significant measure of success at QB.


Here they make the same point I make about taking Pitts at #4:

If that one dude is right and they tried to trade out of it with no takers then it makes more sense, but like bro says, “LOL Jimmy Johnson draft value chartz.”

Tua was drafted 5th overall, and his NFL team likes him enough that they passed on Lance and Fields for him. I don’t think someone failing to beat Tua out is as big of a knock as you may think. Joe Burrow couldn’t beat out JT Barrett or Dwayne Haskins, and I bet the Bengals are happy with him.

Edited 4th to 5th.

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