The National Football League

Haha Suzzer is salty. He knows this game either starts a dynasty or Mahomes is labeled a choker vs Bardy. No pressure.

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Brady was drawing super live to choker status. Much to my disappointment, I think he (or rather Malcolm Butler, James White, and dumb ATL play calling) did enough to shake it.

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Iā€™m definitely sweating Bardy beating Mahomes and celebrating on the field, which will be infinitely more annoying than if Rodgers did it. We could definitely lose.

I just think itā€™s a 50/50 chance of a close game vs. a game where Chiefs win going away. I donā€™t think thatā€™s even a super controversial take. Chiefs are in a zone right now on offense and defense.

I donā€™t think Tampa can keep up. Assuming KC gets 4 possessions per half, I see 4 TDā€™s and 2 FGā€™s. With 2 punts or failed 4th and whatever. Thatā€™s 34 points. How is noodle arm gonna keep up?

FWIW, I didnā€™t think it was either. Again, sorry if that was unclear.

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Somehow the Raiders beat KC in Arrowhead. Thatā€™s enough to give TB a chance.

Also one dirty hit on Mahomes (or clean hard hit) is more than enough to turn the tables.

Iā€™m rooting for KC. Obviously not as much as Suzzer. But Iā€™m still nervous.

Brady was awesome in the Seattle and Atlanta games. Even if the Pats lost those games, there is no way it would have been on him.

Going by memory, I think TB was good in the Seattle game, but if Seattle scores at the end, he still gets stuck with the choker label (perhaps undeservedly).

All I remember about ATL is a million dumpoffs to James White that Iā€™m sure padded the stats. And if Ryan doesnā€™t take a sack in FG range, then he still gets stuck with the choker label if he had already lost to SEA (perhaps undeservedly).

I think beating SEA and losing to ATL would have been enough to fade it.

But if he loses to Eli twice, SEA and ATL in his four prior SB appearances, thatā€™s a stink thatā€™s hard to wash off (regardless of how well he may have played himself). It may not be fair, but thatā€™s how these judgements are made sometimes.

If the defense wants to keep giving James White one-on-one then itā€™s a smart QB that keeps taking it. But he had a ton of amazing throws including a bunch of 3rd and long completions iirc. And Seattle he led an amazing comeback that the defense tried to choke away. But I get your general point. After all, Captain Forehead is the greatest choker of all time, although Rogers is making up ground.

Man, I like KC a lot too, but the oddsmakers donā€™t miss on the NFL, especially this deep. TB has decent equity.

After seeing the way Mahomes and the rest of the team played at Buffalo, I feel way more confident about this game than I did about the Browns game - which I totally thought we could lose if we stayed in our late season shaky form. If they can keep the zone from the Bills game - I just donā€™t see TB having more than a 25% chance.

Itā€™s going to take Shaq Barrett and not 100% JPP having the games of their lives. Which could be an issue with Fisher out. But Fisher is solid - not great, and Wylie has been ok at tackle this year. So we go from solid to ok. Our one plus lineman is Reiter at center, which helps with QB kryptonite - pressure up the middle. Watkins is going to play which should be worth at least as much as losing Fisher imo. Hill and Kelce are so in sync with Mahomes right now.

On the other side our secondary is in a zone like we havenā€™t seen since the Marty days. If we can get pressure on Bardy heā€™s not going to have wide open guys to throw to like he did 2 years ago in the AFCCG. Thornhill seems to finally be back to 100% - which is huge. Dude has CB speed at free safety. Sneed, Ward and Fenton are all really good. Matthieu is all pro, and Sorenson make big plays. The linebackers are covering well out of the backfield. Our pass rush is still shaky outside of Chris Jones. But Clark seems to have taken his playoff shot of adrenaline or whatever he does and he HATES TB12. Mobile QBs kill the Chiefs - one thing we donā€™t have to worry about here. (I think if Josh Allen just takes off running on most plays itā€™s a much closer game.) And finally - Spags is the Bardy-killer.

I think Bardy will have a few killer floaters to Gronk and Evans. But he might also throw a couple picks. Whereas Mahomes is probably going to feast just like when he threw for like 400 yards in the first half vs. TB a few weeks ago and would have threatened Norm Van Brocklinā€™s all time yardage record if Mecole holds on to a sure long TD.

Brady is going to pass for 500 yards and win the game, and when theyā€™re giving him the trophy heā€™s going to rip off his face mask scooby doo style to reveal heā€™s actually deepfuckingvalue.


Not gonna lie - I have to watch Bardy making out with his son amid a sea of confetti Iā€™m going to be seriously depressed.

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bucs first wild card round team in the SB since flacco?

I think so. But there was quite a run in the years before that.

Can someone explain to me how the Deshaun Watson situation works if both sides decide to play hardball.

So say it goes something like this:

Watson: Iā€™m not playing for the Texans again. Trade me.
Texans: Fuck You. Weā€™re not trading you. And if you donā€™t play and show up to practice, weā€™re not paying you
Watson: Fuck You, I quit. Iā€™m retired.
Texans: Fine. Now give us back some of the signing bonus.

Now at some time after that, if Watson decides to unretire, I assume the Texans still have rights to him until the expiration of this contract. So if Houston really wanted to play hardball, they could force Watson to sit on his couch for years.

Is there nothing Watson can do to avoid that fate? Obviously, it doesnā€™t make sense for the Texans to do it when they can easily get a ton for him. But if Houston wants to stick it to him out of spite, can they effectively keep Watson out of football until his contract would expire.

Yes, Watson canā€™t force a trade. All he can do is pull a Harden/Butler and become so toxic the team decides itā€™s better to trade him than force him to play/sit-out.

And yes, if he sits out, the Texans would still have his rights when he returned. Same thing happened to Ricky Williams when he decided he didnā€™t like football - when he returned he had to go back to Dolphins and pay back part of signing bonus. Not sure if the contract tolls though.

Edit: he can also hold out for 6 (?) games and still get credit for a yer served. Not sure if that lets him keep entire signing bonus.

Brady was the reason they were down 28-3

Comebacks are so overrated. Oh you played like shit for most of the game and then stopped playing like shit? Great job congrats.

This is some nice fanfic, but I think that in that case NFL just hires a bunch of scabs from CFL, Arena League, etc. Plenty of those guys would jump at a chance to play in the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE even at low salaries. And people would still watch. If all the players suck equally, you can still have some competitive and entertaining games.

Brady threw a bad pick 6, but he wasnā€™t responsible for giving up a 71, 62 and 85 yard TD drive where the other Falcons points came from. He also wasnā€™t responsible for Blountā€™s (iirc) fumble when they were driving the ball well.

The Pats as a team played a bad first half and Brady wasnā€™t great, but overall he had an amazing game.