The National Football League

How did the NFL go from like 50 players pozzed a week to basically no one pozzed? Now they saying they don’t need a bubble for the playoffs. Shenanigans?

The Ravens and Broncos with no QB may have scared everyone straight for a few weeks.

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I am absolutely watching the kids feed.

Anyone ever watch the British feed on Amazon thursday games? I love it! It’s a couple of English guys who legit know basically nothing about football. It’s adorable.

Gonna be that guy

Puppy Bowl >>>>>>>>> Super Bowl not involving a team you’re a fan of

This great play gave the Packers the last wild card spot and they ended up winning it all!

From the comments, I stand corrected on the above

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Coughlin yelling at the punter. How is that asshole not dead?


wtf - football by far greatest sport on earth to watch random games without your teams in them. And this is coming from someone who has no sports teams in any sport because of high volume betting ruining fandom for me.

Pro bowl rosters out - kind of glad there is no game this year because it means there is some more merit to those listed as there aren’t 441249124 injury replacements meaning middling QBs etc are starting pro bowls. I mean injury replacements really shouldn’t be credited as pro bowlers imo.

there are so many dumb snubs because half of it is name recognition and the other half is either counting stats or dumb shit like putting pass rushers at both DE and OLB, that the injury replacements actually allow some deserving people in


I’d never watch a random high school football game on TV out of boredom.

But I’d have no problem paying for tickets to watch a single A baseball game on a family outing.

UFC is a different world. Any fight can be an awesome one.

I should have said NFL. I have zero interest in HS or College football without betting. Would you watch a televised September baseball game between the Royals and the Tigers? I don’t know about gameday experiences and how they impact things. Probably significantly.

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Wealth Management is an incredible business. These MFers are the GOAT sales people, convincing rich people to pay 1-2% of their wealth EVERY SINGLE YEAR to underperform a three fund portfolio.

I am truly astounded the number of brilliant rich people who don’t or won’t take like 2 days to educate themselves on personal finance.


But then how would they be able to brag to their friends about how they have a Guy.


We’d solve so many issues if we just confiscated wealthy people’s portfolio without telling them and re-allocated it towards climate change mitigation, healthcare, education, and housing.

We’d let them stay in their mansions and buy flashy cars and consumer goods, but we’d just print out fake quarterly statements saying what amazing returns their brilliant investments are making, so they can keep getting those sweet dopamine hits you get from believing you are getting wealthier. By the time these idiots figured it out, we’d have created a better world.


I spent like 30 minutes one day trying to explain to one of my friends at work that it doesn’t matter if “his guy” made him money every year for the past X years, what mattered is if he beat whatever the relevant index(es) would be for his risk level and by enough to cover his vig. I couldn’t get him thinking any deeper than “his guy” making him money every year.


They pay more every year to Morgan Stanley or whoever than they would pay under the Liz Warren wealth tax!!!


Amazing when you think about it. It’s really something that for some intelligent people even simple concepts around investing are like some kind of mystery box.

Like if you’re a random mega rich guy, how long does it take to look at your statement and see that you’re in some horseshit mutual funds that have massive expense ratios and pay blatant kickbacks to advisors and underperform any reasonable benchmark? That takes like 20 minutes, max. And they pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for this shit, every year.