The National Football League

I see I misread it, my bad.

My bad as well for posting a bad joke.

I was already a bit triggered after hearing Marcus Spears question the doctor which is pretty ridiculous. Feels like thereā€™s a subtext on everything right now which the media will dip into, even if only just barely, to warm up a take.

Agreed. Iā€™m obviously biased but I fucking love Tyrod. He was the QB while I was at VT and was fucking amazing to watch and had some absolutely iconic plays. I hope heā€™s able to keep his career going after this.

As a freshman:

These two throws:

Dancing around:


I dunno, the Chargers have plenty of their own history of medical malpractice. Read up on Dr. David Chao!


Can someone explain the NFL having zero pozzed players to me?

Iā€™ve been wondering that for weeks.

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Their protocol is pretty hardcore for when youā€™re at team facilities. Maybe the MLB and NBA foibles scared the players straight into not doing stupid shit on their off hours. Still seems pretty damn lucky so far.

And you know my belief that cold weather is going to bring higher contagion and higher viral load for people who do catch it. Right now is the end of sweetest spot for weather in most of the country - when there isnā€™t much AC or heat going on. But itā€™s starting to get cold.


Yup, weā€™ve had some recent nights dip below 40 F, and one night down to 34.

Theyā€™re lying

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Injuries piling up early. I suspect this has a lot to do with abbreviated training camps and a compressed offseason schedule.

I think it has to do with people running at each other and colliding.


ldo but there seem to be more than usual

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First 3 weeks back for German Soccer, the first major league to restart had injuries up 250%. Havenā€™t seen data on other sports but EPL seemed higher as well.

There seems to be a ton of talk about DANGER RUSS leading MVP odds given weā€™re, uh, two games into the season.


and so it begins

:lizard: :lizard: :lizard:

So it continues

This is awesome.