The National Football League

Didn’t McCloughan generally have great results everywhere he worked but still managed to get repeatedly fired for alcoholism and “personal issues”?

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Yeah, I didn’t see him mentioned in the report. I think the alcoholism is the personal issue, unless there’s other conduct I’m not aware of.

Eh, I would guess that there are some organizations that don’t stand for harassment and bullshit. It just depends on who’s in a position of leadership. I’d be curious how the Packers compare, since there’s no billionaire owner and his kids who feel like they can play god.

The Lions head coach is likely a rapist and probably the only thing that kept him out of prison was his accusor not wanting to go back to the spring break town to testify. Makes it hard to be a fan of that team. He most likely gets fired after this disaster of a season tho.

Odds of a season? 50/50

I’d lean higher just because of the massive amount of money involved.

But odds will shift based on well NBA bubble works.

Fans in stands??? Man maybe if you want to drop a massive dime, but TV is so huge, and will be huge in this shit.

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They’re using full face shields over the facemasks, which makes me happy. I’d also like to see something dangling a bit below the facemask to keep sweat/blood/breath/snot/etc from rocketing up underneath it (like in linemen clashes) but baby steps I guess. At some point you have to worry about oxygen intake. But you have to think they could solve that with holes on the sides, where breath droplets are less likely to get in.

I’d really like to hear they’re rethinking locker rooms. So far I’ve never heard anything on that. But based on their forward-thinking stance of the face shields, I am cautiously optimistic they’re also massively reconfiguring locker rooms to be more safe.

50/50 a season starts. 0% there’s a Super Bowl. It’s in Tampa lol.

yeah I think it honestly comes down to how well the NBA bubble works

on paper NBA bubble should work…but it comes down to how well everyone truly bubbles

And guys like JJ Watt have said they wont play if forced to wear something like a shield because apparently it makes them claustrophobic. So who knows what will happen.

I agree NBA will set the tone.

But NFL isn’t even trying a bubble. They’re letting teams police their own bubble and hoping team to team transfer doesn’t happen.

Also NBA has a lot more intimate contact than NFL. I think NFL has some advantage with this face shields and everything else covered. In NBA there seems to be a big risk of team to team transfer. In NFL they’re hoping that’s rare. But linemen going at it all day is a concern.

He whined about it, but he said he’d try it. Dudes used to play with face shields all the time. No one passed out from lack of oxygen. Well googling - maybe they didn’t go down as far. I swear I remember one RB who wore a full darth vader face shield.

JJ Watt reminds me of that cop in the movies who just needs one more month until retirement. He just wants one more year and dammit the NFL is pushing him into this dangerous mission.

But also he’s probably speaking up for concerns of a lot of players because he can.

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A lot of this is just BS resistance to any change though. A million years ago a ton of NHL players basically insisted that it was impossible to play hockey with any helmet at all.

Barry Sanders was notorious for wearing a heavily-tinted face shield so nobody could where he was looking. I think Marshawn Lynch did the same.

Over 50% to start. Under 50% to finish.

I don’t remember him wearing a shield. I think you mean LaDainian Thomalson.

This isn’t really an nfl thing directly but recently the GOAT 15 of college discussions been all over Twitter.

I forgot how rediculous Tim Tebow’s 2007 sophomore year was. In browsing around I came across this article on Bleacher Report which is part of a well funded conglomerate.

However this article 2007: The Year Tim Tebow Won All 3 Top College Awards in America | News, Scores, Highlights, Stats, and Rumors | Bleacher Report was clearly writing by someone whose first language is not English. This alone is not bothersome but having once owned a massive amount of websites and procuring content for those sites you run into content creation for sale and purchase for almost nothing. Say $5 for a 500 word article on a specific topic. These jobs were often filled by people from other countries for American sites who were just trying to fill space and try to game search engines.

I would have to look at BR model again because they may be one of those content farms that get most of their content for free.

Regardless the article just read super odd to me and made no sense why it was on their site. No article would have been better. Since I came across it in a cursory google search, though, I guess it did its SEO work.

Back to the football. Seriously though revisit Tebow’s 2007. It’s silly.

Yeah LDT definitely wore one.

Barry didn’t wear one all the time. But he did here and in other pics I found.

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I think a good idea for all the sports leagues is to just play the games with an N95 mask on at all times.

I’m sure the players will balk claiming that they can’t breathe as well or something, but I don’t think there is actually any evidence of that. Of course, there is certainly no evidence to the contrary either as no one has studied effects of wearing an N95 while wearing sports. I seriously doubt that it would prove to be dangerous to anyone. Just annoying as fuck.

Also every player will be similarly disadvantaged, so it’s fair.

If someone refuses, I’m sure we can find some practice squad dudes, minor leaguers, etc. who would love the opportunity to play in the big leagues. Sure, at the end of the day it will be an inferior product, but it’s still a product. Maybe the masks will encumber the players so they don’t play as well or maybe a bunch of players will refuse to play under these conditions, so some scrubs to fill in. But at the end of the day there is still a product to market.

Of course, I’m not suggesting that leagues in the US should resume play. But if they do, they should consider being masked up all the time.

I mean there’s no way the league goes through without stopping, right?

Once a player dies or suffers career-ending damage from covid-19, players aren’t going to be excited to go back to foobtall.