The National Football League

lol wait so Snyder has been paying off Refs yet the Skins are still a bottom 3 franchise over the last decade?



Seems like the Post story has dropped.

Pro personnel department really seemed to be raging.

Greene’s 17-year career with the club ended in 2018 amid a scandal over the revelation he had sold access to Redskins cheerleaders — including attendance at a bikini calendar photo shoot in Costa Rica — as part of premium suite packages. Greene declined to comment.

Mitch Gershman, former chief operating officer, who Applegate said routinely berated her for trivial problems such as printer malfunctions while also complimenting her body.

The team’s human resources staff consists of one full-time staffer — who also performs administrative duties at team headquarters — responsible for more than 220 full-time employees, according to several former employees.

That is crazy.

There is 1 text interaction in there that is weird. Creepy guy keeps saying he will bring her food if he can squeeze her ass. She keeps refusing flat out. The only thing that I am struggling with is she aggressively keeps trying to bring her food. I am not going to lie, I am having a hard time wrapping my head around that behavior.

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Pullups really use your back not biceps. I guess a good athlete who has literally never even tried one before might not be able to do it, especially if you’re already tired.

Also interestingly the best young hockey players probably need less upper body strength than other hockey players. If you’re a really good 17 year old you’re probably evading much shoving and pulling with your back and arms.

Having the bench press at the combine is silly period. It has almost no correlation to NFL success at any position.

Yeah, it’s mostly just an age thing. Half of these prospects are 17. If you have no history with weights you’re going to look silly. Same thing with NBA. Asking a 6’6 lanky 19 year old to do a bench press just doesng matter much.

Ok, but in the 1920s the game was different. Whereas contemporary players hide the ball on a play action pass, in the 20s the quarterback would conceal an entire lineman behind his back so they had to be small.


I also thought the bikini shoot in a foreign country was public knowledge before? Or was that a different NFL team?

Slowest pony

This is the cheerleader story from 2018

As a Giants fan I’m gonna be pissed if Danny gets kicked out. No way is the new owner worse.

So basically nothing like the rumors and no chance Snyder sells the team


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I’m laughing at the idea of little kids hiding behind the QB’s legs waiting to dive into passrushers’ knees.

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non-paywalled version of the WaPo story:

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Madden loved offensive lineman in general.

He absolutely gushed about Larry Allen. Though really I don’t blame him after this:

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That’s Dan Dierdorf, not Madden (and Frank Gifford)

Oh I guess you mean Madden gushed about Allen after that. Ok.

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So Redskins type stuff is happening to some extent at basically every team right? Surely?


Well, maybe not the Bengals because their entire staff is like, 5 people. I legitimately don’t think they have any of the staff positions listed in that article. I wonder if they even have an HR dept?

No question.

I mean a bunch of middle-aged (and older) millionaires are gonna get their way over a bunch of underpaid 20 somethings 100 out of 100 times.

Yeah, honestly this scandal just seems like what I imagine most football office environments are like.

Yep part of me is shocked it has taken this long to get in the news but I guess it is a testament to the power disparity in large organisations in male dominated (all) professions. Depressing.

That bastard Scot McCloughan is giving all McLovin’s a bad name!