The National Football League

Spud Webb

No. Everyone is 6’9 - 400 lbs now, even punters. It’s crazy.


It is hilarious that they make them bench press in the combine tbf.

Contract the Skins.

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This is so we can laugh at them when they fail miserably. There was a case where a pretty highly regarded NHL prospect couldn’t do like 1 pull up, which is awesome.


I believe Gretzky was supposedly the physically weakest player in his draft class. If anybody laughed at him, they certainly didn’t get the last laugh.

Tom Brady’s Combine photo is always good for a similar laugh.

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Here’s what I was thinking about.

Please let Snyder go full Donald Sterling. All the popcorn.


I still remember when being 300lbs was a freaky outlier. Then we moved into having entire lines over 300 lbs. I remember the 90s cowboys very good offensive line had Mark Stepnowski at center and he played between 245-250ish I remember.

There can’t be any centers under 300 now except maybe a long snapper can there?

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I figured David Andrews because he looks noticeably small to me, but apparently he is listed right at 300.

William “The Refridgerator” Perry on the '85 Bears was considered enormous. He probably weighed less than the average interior lineman does now.

Was checking out big kickers and of course there is/was janikowski at like 6’1” and “265”lbs.

What I found surprising is the Packer’s Tom Dempsey, who held the longest field goal record for a long time was 255 lbs. playing in the late 60s and the 70s there had to have been times when he was one of the biggest guy on the entire team.

Terry Owens started at left tackle for the ‘68 chargers, dempsey’s first team and played at 6’0” 260 lbs. I believe Dempsey was 6’2”. Right tackle Ron Mix was 6’4”, 250 lbs.

Probably 256 pounds if he had all his fingers and toes.


Also some historic context and allegedly the smallest lineman ever:

He could not play fourth grade football these days.

Seems bad

I never really understood how an elite level hockey player couldn’t do one pull-up.

I understand that hockey doesn’t really require strong biceps, but neither does my job of laboratory experiments or sitting at a computer.

I feel like the cheerleader stuff was reported a while ago but really had little impact. I am familiar with most of those details regarding cheerleaders being turned out and other such stuff and it was not real recent I heard it.

Has my head spinning because I am trying to figure out how that story got buried but perhaps other stuff like Covid and protests untracked it.

Wasn’t the cheerleader thing in Costa Rica already a well-known story?

Ha yeah like I was typing while you posted. I felt like I was losing my mind being familiar with this story already.