The National Football League

That’s pretty damn legit. I feel like Brees has a decent guy inside him who’s always battling his dumbass hardcore Christian side.


So with a wink and a nod the players are now given permission by their overlord to do something they should have never been admonished for to begin with, and told BLM even tho you and I and everyone watching knows they don’t actually believe it and will regress back to baseline when it’s financially expedient. This is hardly the meaningful systemic change many are fighting for and would not be surprised if a significant segment of players balk at the idea of giving them something that should have been rightfully theirs equals progress.

The players literally asked them to say the exact words they said. None of what you said is untrue, except for the fact that this is a big step, even in the perception. The NFL is the most popular league in the US. These words matter. We shouldn’t let the NFL off the hook just as much as we should welcome these symbolic progress. Not because I give a fuck about Roger Goidell, because there’s a decent chance that will resonate with people (or at the very least, annoy the fuck out of others).


I feel like the dude just wants to 'ship again and he can’t if 80% of his teammates hope he DIAGF. It’s pure damage control.


Well if so, it’s the most over-the-top damage control I’ve ever seen.

Also remember he’s the guy who came up with this, or at least implemented it to perfection:

I’m not remotely a Brees fanboy, but I just can’t believe he’s completely FOS.

Tom Brady says hello from sunny Florida.

His first statement was him speaking from the heart. His backtracking is a carefully crafted message from his PR team.


Well there’s been two statements now, and right-wingers are super pissed at him for it.

I wish more people would understand that its a good fucking thing


I really hope Trump attacks Brees so that Brees sees how batshit insane he is. A pissed off athlete with money is a good thing.

You attended one of his pray out the gay camps didn’t you?

I don’t think anyone is saying it’s not good.

It’s good that he is walking it back, regardless of the reason.

It would have been even better if he really meant it instead of doing it out of self interest.

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$cam Newton might make this post obsolete!

I checked it out. A few pages of “He’s our player so I don’t care” followed by 50 pages of racism.

There are a handful of people doing the Lord’s work there.


Did he just admit they were blackballing him?

Isn’t he just saying that it’s going to take a team to decide he might be worth signing? We all know he was blackballed earlier. But it probably isn’t entirely clear now if he’s worth giving a shot, and that depends on what he’s willing to sign for as well.

There were some reports that even earlier into his blackballing he was fairly stubborn about the types of offers he was willing to entertain. There were teams that reportedly didn’t even bother with an offer because he was demanding a starting job & money when, even before he started kneeling, he had been relegated to the starter bubble on a bad team.

Pro sports have always had this problem where there is a balancing act between off-field issues and talent that determines how much a team is willing to tolerate. In the case of Kaepernick it was all bullshit, but between the owners doing the math and deciding the “distraction” wasn’t worth a fringe starter. It’s ridiculous to talk about kneeling in he same context as domestic violence or child abuse, but yet that’s likely the calculus owners were doing. Guys like Tyreek Hill, Kareem Hunt, Adrian Petersen, and Michael Vick all got second chances because they are elite. Kaepernick was merely average, so he got shafted.

Clearly he was worth bringing in as a premiere backup or someone you expect to compete as a starter, but there were reports he wasn’t interested in a backup role. At this point if he wants to play in the NFL he will have to start at the bottom and work his way back up, and it’s not clear he wants to do that.

All the reports about his demands should be taken with a huge grain of salt, if not outright ignored.

The league was backballing him but obviously didn’t want that public. They also have tons of lackey journalists who will write what they want. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out where the rumors about his “ridiculous” demands came from.

Given that only one team met with him, and no teams even offered him a contract, I find it highly dubious that teams were having detailed discussions with his agents about salary.


And Kaepernick said publicly that he was open to backup jobs.

BAL was going to make an offer at one point until the the fans revolted. Cancel culture or something.