The National Football League

I think Rivers is one of those Quiverfull dudes. And I’m pretty confident that’s not the creepiest thing about him.


i honestly think that this message is a big deal. I’m probably laughably wrong, but this is like exactly what i hope to hear from conservative organizations.


Vince Young got run and he was actually not awful when he was booted (unlike Kaep).

Kaep was 3-16 in his last 19 starts with a 5.45 ny/a
Young was 13-8 in his last 21 starts with a 6.9 ny/a

Young was also younger than Kaep when he got banished because he wasn’t a Jeff Fisher “guy”.

He was 16/4 TD / INT in his last season with a 59% completion percentage on a terrible team. The idea he shouldn’t be in the league is fucking absurd.

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I can still watch NFL tho right?

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True, but the message conveyed there is the right one. It’s up for us to make sure they uphold it. I don’t mind scaring people into equality. I’m not going to convince old white billionaires, I can only make them behave in a certain manner.


incredibly weak sauce to not mention Kaepernick’s name in the statement

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‘We admit we were wrong’ is a very obvious nod to Kaep as far as i understand it.

I mean sure this doesnt make the nfl decent, but that statement was far better than i expected. We dont need to congratulate them, we should, imo, be satisfied that the protest scared them enough.

Except for that part about the Washington Redskins. That’s still cool.

I mean fucking Nathan Peterman is an NFL QB and might possibly be the worst QB in NFL history to start a game.

I question his actual desire to play. He got 30 mil from Nike as a spokesman. Why risk getting CTE when youve got fuck you money.


He’s got so many intangibles that don’t show up in his stats. You just don’t understand football!

Rog is in a panic that these guys aren’t going to kill themselves so white guys can make billions. He’s trying to create a narrative that appeals to a very specific audience - 80%(?) of their players - without alienating their target audience - white men.

I don’t get what Roger could possibly have said there better, assuming he cannot specifically mention Kaep.
I think that content of that message will alienate trumpkins, so it was better than i expected.

His only concern is getting the game going again. So through that lens, while it was very well said, just think it’s completely disingenuous. They’ll continue to host the orange at games and nothing will come of the redskins hypocrisy, for example.

So? I’m not interested in that asshole’s opinion. All I care about are players be able to protest and white conservative symbols flat out say they were wrong and BLM, even if they don’t really believe that.

This. There is zero chance Kaep wasn’t given another chance because of his performance on the field. Absolutely none.

Any QB that has ever shown potential in the NFL is given multiple chances to see if they can find that magic again. Except Kaep.

I had a mini-meltdown on Chiefsplanet when a Drew Brees thread appeared in the main (non-DC forum). Felt good just unload on some of those racist cocksuckers. As did others - again - the non-DC forum is pretty reasonable. And even the DC forum as more token liberals who I have no idea where they get the energy - but they keep going.

A great thing about all these protests. Those fuckers are in full retreat mode now. They’ve gone from “Get that son of a bitch off the field!” to whining about how Drew Brees’s fee fees are valid and liberals are mean. In 2 years the ball is completely on the other side of the court. It’s glorious.