The National Football League

The only white men that have led black men to more yards than Drew Brees are prison wardens.


Are any great NFL QBs nice guys?

Brady: arguably a system QB, cheater, jerk
Bree: Not really great, bulk stats are incredibly padded, still a jerk
Rodgers: Great QB, insecure asshole, unwilling to sling guns when behind, mean to his agent.
Favre: Petty pill popping moron
Manning: seems nice in commercials, apparently sexually assaulted a trainer in college
Big Rape: underrated as both a QB and rapist
Russell WILson: lolololololololololol
Mahomes: Probably into cockfighting or organizing bum fight gambling leagues or something

Rivers is maybe a nice guy? Not too nice though, I remember him screaming at that LB when he got injured hitting him ā€œTHATā€™S WHAT YOU GET!ā€

Also, wears crocs when sending unsolicited dick pics.

lol I forgot all about that.


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Okay yeah thatā€™s why we are cutting him, the racism yes

I said during the draft he should Homer Simpson gif back between those Athens hedges butnahhh he wanted to be an NFL QB now heā€™s got nothin

Chris Long has always been pretty progressive and willing to put his opinions out there. Checking out his twitter seems he has a podcast called green light and he just interviewed Mark Cuban.

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Chris long is the man. When I saw that Urlacher tweet and for a split second I thought it was him my heart dropped.

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Pretty awesome that Laura Ingraham told LeBron to shut up and dribble but is going hard for Drew Brees being allowed to say what he wants.

I think people in the media get confused about the Brees thing. Everyone is fine if Brees wants to stand for the flag and whatever. The problem is he was denigrating others who chose to say something different with their right to free speech.


He also didnā€™t take the time to understand why Kap was kneeling. He wasnā€™t disrespecting the fucking flag.

Iā€™m also not going to cancel Brees personally. Maybe this can be a learning experience for him.

Fromm may be onto something. Guns should only be owned by elite people. That would certainly eliminate him from owning one and would probably eliminate guns altogether since no elite person would want to own one.

Chuckled then felt guilty.

I mean, Iā€™m all for disrespecting the flag. This country objectively sucks right now.


I donā€™t wanna snitch, but I saw some people paint the majestic US flag in all blue and spray paint a line in the middle of it.

I am certain that Drew Brees will not stand for such vandalism and disrespect.

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Joey Burrow

Thatā€™s not the only thing. Itā€™s that what they are saying is that ā€œracism and police brutality is badā€.

If Brees denigrated Westboro Baptist he wouldnā€™t be getting cancelled.

Sean Doolittle is the best example I can think of