The National Football League

Tampa Brady isn’t that bad. Don’t lead with Tompa Bay lol.

Not nfl news, XFL canceled season, fired all employees.

Unlucky, can’t wait for XFL 3.0 in 2040.


Kind of a bummer. This season’s version wasn’t all that bad unlike the first version.

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The 49ers still have at least three excellent line men and didn’t have the cap space to resign him anyway.

You know what? I’m just going to say it.

I don’t care about drafts.


I used to be an NFL draft junkie, but a decade plus of seeing guys only being relevant on draft night has me waiting until preseason and the actual season to care much about the rookie class. Now ftmp I just pay attention to where the quarterbacks go and players I found notable otherwise throughout the year.

I cared about the Honey Badger the year he was drafted in the 3rd way more than randoms in the 1st. I remember when Andre Wadsworth was Chase Young. I haven’t been absoultely sure anyone wasn’t going to bust besides Andrew Luck and Kyler.

I’m confident in Tua besides the obv injury concerns, Burrow played like a video game qb on perfect mode so he looks about as good as you could hope. I can’t actually be sure he’s going to be anything beyond a mix of Andy Dalton and Case Keenum tho.

Herbert reminds me on Tannehill. No opinion on Love but that’s a lot of interceptions for a mobile qb so I’m guessing he’ll bust.

I find the trades more interesting than the draft. You can learn a lot about teams from how they trade or don’t (in the case of the Giants, who just take who they like, regardless of whether it’s an over pick).

Boy, sign me up!

Draft is a crap shoot so the good teams trade back and stock pile picks. More chances of hitting.


Cinicinnati operates the same way, so Burrow for 3 #1s is very unlikely to happen even if it’s offered.

Yeah, it’s interesting from a team building and strategy vantage point. Your example plus stuff like how Cleveland neglected their offensive line. In the past how w/ young Brady, Belichick drafted a lot of defense early, where w/ Peyton Polian would go offense (Edge #4, Reggie Wayne when they already had Marvin, etc).

Caring about who specifically the picks are is less interesting than what they represent. They’re all lottery tickets ftmp, the earlier rounds are better gambles.

While I agree in general, I don’t think it’s always best to trade back. Higher picks are better, it’s just that teams often overvalue specific players and way over pay for them.

Look at a team like the Patriots - they mainly trade down, but do on occasion trade up.


Outside of massive moves, I just kind of tune out of the NFL between the Super Bowl and the regular season kick-off.

Then I’ll be watching a game in the first month of the season and think “oh, so that’s where that guy ended up”.

I agree, I think selectively moving up can be good too.

I’m thinking Atlanta moving up to get Julio Jones as an example. Flip side is Miami moving up to #3 when they didn’t love anyone specifically and ended up with edge rushing bust Dion Jordan (who had 5 sacks his senior year at Oregon and missed the last couple games plus postseason stuff w/ a bum shoulder).

Not the best example as their drafting has been poor the last 5 years. Their only drafted Pro Bowler is Jamie Collins.

Could be a little like the Spurs where they were ahead, now not so much. They seem a little antiquated when most good orgs have a mixed approach. Additionally, Belichick has always struggled with drafting running backs and wide receivers…

Agree. If you need a QB you’d be nuts not to take one if you have a chance. The difference in salary between a starting QB with NFL experience and a first round rookie QB is astronomical.

Sure, but you don’t want sacrifice next year’s capital to move up for Love (or even Herbert maybe) when Lawrence and Justin Fields are there next year.

Love should send Mahomes half of his signing bonus

I never heard of Love until like February

What’s the guarantee you’ll get them? What stops those QBs from getting injured or having an awful season? A lot can happen in a year.

If a team in need of a franchise QB (such as the Jaguars) thinks a QB has franchise QB potential, you move up if you think he won’t fall to you even if it is costly. They’re too rare to not make the extra effort. Spend the millions you save surrounding him with talent.