The National Football League

The Mike Mamula of quarterbacks.

I’m interested in the draft insofar as who the Dolphins get and which Bama players get taken and by whom. The talking heads are taking it to the stratosphere right now beyond what I thought they were capable, but I think most of that is because there is quite literally nothing else to talk about.

There’s no guarantee, but if you need a quarterback and aren’t taking one you’re tanking and will have a high draft pick. Then you still have your full war chest of future picks you haven’t traded away. I’d move out of my pick this year for a first next if I could before I’d take a so so prospect I’m thirsty for and have to move up for.

But sure, if you think you’re sure you have a find do watev is reasonably necessary.

Tompa Brady?

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Then everybody on your team is a year older, a year closer to retirement, a year closer to free agency. They can’t all be bums. You also wasted a whole season. You don’t get to run it infinite times.

Glad Brady didn’t sign with the Packers or he’d make stupid fucking shirts that say, “Green Brady.”


Or in Buffalo: “The Brady Bill”

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Or in Las Vegas: “Tom Raidy”

I feel like there would be a version of this stupidity no matter where he went.

I’m thinking the way Miami operated last year and NE will this is preferable to putting all your eggs in the basket of a guy you’re wishcasting to be great.

And you do get to run it a few seasons if you’re a gm that doesn’t make horrible moves that gets bashed in the media. Fans and media are smarter than ever and prefer something with a process to something rushed.

I agree that their actual drafting hasn’t been great, but I think that just shows how even for smart teams it’s a gamble. That said, I still think Belichek is a master at long term strategic thinking. He is good at getting teams to overpay to move up (especially in terms of getting a a higher pick next year for one this year) but when he moves doesn’t overpay. I think if you look at the value charts (not the super outdated Jimmy Johnson one), he typically does very well on his trades - even if he hasn’t hit on the actual picks.

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Some rumor about the Giants seriously considering drafting a QB in the first round…again.

Might legit puke if they do. I thought the Jones pick was an absolutely horrible reach but he definitely proved me wrong. He had a better rookie season than Eli did and they never dumped him.

He was a reach even if he becomes the best QB ever to live.

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I pretty much stopped being a Giants fan when they got Schumer and gettleman. It’s become a clown organization the past few years.

The no Pro Bowls stat isn’t convincing to me as they’ve picked guys like Trey Flowers, Shaq Mason and Joe Thuney in that time, who are all really good players that are roughly Pro Bowl caliber. And I think the middle/end of drafts have been fine. But the bust rate on their top picks (even accounting for injuries) is just too high. The Sony pick looks like a disaster with Lamar Jackson still on the board and Brady now gone. Inexplicably, Sony looks like BenJarvus Green-Ellis…And I think N’Keal Harry might be on that track, too. He just can’t get open.

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I really don’t understand what the issues are besides each GM is at home vs in the office. It’s not like normally each GM was at the draft location and walking their pick to Rog themselves.

You’ve had 3 months to create your big board. When it’s your turn, see who’s available and make a pick. Or if you want to make a trade use one of your other phones and call another GM to see if they want to trade. Then call Rog or whoever at the NFL and tell them what your pick is.

I’m rooting for mass chaos on Thursday night.

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LOL people have been doing fantasy football drafts over the internet for years, how hard can this be?

People have also been talking about proper timeout usage and about when and when not to kick field goals on the internet for years and we see how that has been working out.


Pretty funny they don’t know how to properly use voice chat, something eight year olds have mastered.

Also F Tom Brady