The Nashville Christmas bombing

I remember a recent article about FBI uncovering a plot by white supremacists to take out the power grid. Might be related?

White supremacists give exactly two shits about civilian casualties in downtown Nashville.

Edit: As do hostile foreign government-sponsored actors for that matter.

So now its sounding like someone reported shots fired which police responded too. They only noticed the rv after it started playing its message so they evacuated and called the bomb squad

Are we certain it wasn’t Joe Biden and the radical dems trying to cancel Christmas?


My buddy at work texted me saying internet is out. He works about 50 miles north of Nashville.

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Yeah this is super weird since that explosion shouldn’t have done that since that building is supposedly a bomb shelter and all the important equipment is super protected

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Probably is. My first reaction is someone who was harmed by Big RV and that they would soon announce this will not be the last exploding EV.

And my buddy works for the state at the welcome center on the highway.

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Either a hell of a coincidence or some type of coordinated attack. Or maybe some weird precaution?

The only right wingers who would care are maybe some of the Q folk.

Yea who knows. If you Google att power outage map, TN is lit up like a Xmas tree. Parts of other states are as well.

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Its possible they damaged some of the equipment not in the building (transformers, underground lines, etc etc.) There is also reports of major water main damage, so its possible there might be a flooding issue near the building, which could explain the lag in time from explosion to comm interruptions.

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Yep, and ATT is claiming it’s due to damages from the bomb. So I guess they weren’t as protected as they thought?

Looking more and more like the person or persons who did this were super sophisticated. A layman like us would have thought zero chance this would do shit to comms, but looks like they knew better.


Holy shit, this one has people walking outside.

Its fucking insane that nobody died


Man all the Q people have to be all


How are those people ok? I guess just far enough away?

From just a quick look down their rabbit hole they think its the communists and deep state to take eyes off of Biden stealing the election.


McVeigh apparently made his bomb into a rudimentary shaped charge by arranging the explosives an a particular way, so the blast was focused towards the federal building. Could be something similar here?

Maybe but overview shots make it seem like the building didn’t take a ton of damage. But still, it looks like it succeeded in its goal so somethings going on. Could it have had some form of EMP or something?

If the perpetrators are identified quickly enough, there’s still plenty of time for them to be treated “very unfairly” and receive a presidential pardon!