The Nashville Christmas bombing

Yeah man, no idea. I am not completely familiar with that lobby, but it seems it must be a ways down second. The bomb blew out a ton of windows for almost a mile. My guess is they only got hit with the percussive blast. Might have some hearing damage.

actually is possibleā€¦seems unlikely though.

Could a bunch of Proud Boys pull something like this off?

So basically Oceans 11?

Maybe they wanted to damage ATT but not actually hurt anyone. Hence the warnings. 6 AM on Christmas morning would be a good time too if you want to limit casualties.

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Nailed it

Early predictions:

This bombing was motivated by
  • Politics right - RWNJs
  • Politics left - the ANTIFAs
  • Foreign actor I guess?
  • Non-political beef or just a crackpot

0 voters

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FWIW, I consider ā€œTrying to stop the 5G takeoverā€ to be a RWNJ talking point


Also Keed, idontbelieveyou.gif


Super weird.

So the bomber shot off his gun a bunch of times to kinda wake people up, get police involved. Then set the warning system off which is how they knew about the RV in the first place. It wasnā€™t someone noticed it was suspicious, the damn thing gave itself away

Yeah, me too. Thatā€™s why I went RWNJ. I gave them the 5G equity.


Too much television and movies think this might be on to something:


Itā€™s a mixture but Iā€™d say the 5G nutters are mostly anti government in general. It was kinda co-opted by RWNJs, but it started as not.

Seems like a pretty big hole in their backup procedures if turning the gas off causes a shutdown.


They struggle to pull off their pants at night, so maybe?

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Unless they plan on hitting Nashville again, any info they get from this is pretty useless.

Didnā€™t we establish that the Angry Staffer guy is a fraud years ago?

Yeah but not really relevant to his comment here. He didnā€™t posit as an insider.

And if the plan to steal the desk from the Grand Old Opry with the original Magna Carta concealed in it?


On Xmas? Militant Atheists.

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