The Nashville Christmas bombing

I’m going with random nutter and motivation will be some crazy conspiracy theory.


Your range of thinking here seems polarized.

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The news reports are that the bomb squad was still en route when this thing went off. If that’s true (big if), it seems like this happened fast enough that a coordinated police response complete with some automated thing on a loop is less likely. I agree, even in squad cars would have been over the loudspeaker telling people to gtfo. Unless there is some kind of citywide civil defense system that can turn on in Nashville? Even getting something like that on in time seems unlikely. Remember this was 6 am on Christmas day. People were at home and asleep including a lot of the specialized police type stuff.

Edit: I see I was ponied by actual news reports confirming this was coming from the van. This continues to be weird as shit. Stuff like a giant countdown timer and announcements with a working huge bomb is out of the movies, not real life.


Maybe they were trying to blow this place up to help stop the spread of diabetes

Edit: Lookit this fookin thing



Will be interesting to see if surveillance cameras succeed in getting a look at the suspect(s). The person or persons responsible presumably had to evacuate the RV themselves, and there likely would have to be a second vehicle involved to get them away from the area. The other option is that it was a suicide bombing. I’m not getting that vibe though.



I was wondering if it was a trap to try to kill only responding cops. But that was a pretty big explosion if the goal was to just kill a group close by.

Plus this seems like a complex plan for such a dumb idea, a bunch of cops aren’t going to inspect a suspected bomb threat. One cop did and after that they call the bomb squad and stand way the hell back.

I expect someone to take credit soon. They went through a lot of trouble just to leave people thinking uhh wtf was this about

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As opposed to a fair and balanced and engaged approach to likely terrorist attacks? I’m not really feeling like being “polarized” against terrorism is a mark against me.

When does a domestic terrorist ever claim credit? McVeigh and the Unabomber went into hiding.

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Well, “bomb squad” personnel are technically cops, aren’t they?

Artistically impressive.

Yeah but their motivations were super clear. It was on the anniversary of WACO. Plus they killed tons of people.

This one just seems wtf. Like micro said, only people who really did anything where they tried to not hurt people was weathermen and they always claimed credit.

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Yeah but the bomb squad is best at handling bombs and they don’t do that by all getting close to it

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Wasn’t the Unabomber regularly sending letters?


If your goal was to kill bomb squad guys I don’t think you’d have a countdown to the explosion. Apparently there was a 15 minute warning and other warnings counting down.


Does Nashville have a Federal Reserve Branch that is now unguarded?


Dear Lord, I’m just waking up to this news on Christmas morning.

I’m somewhat surprised that he/she/it/they didn’t air their grievances on the “Evacuate Now” message. I suppose the message would be heard by very few (was it caught on tape?) before blowing up.

I am having a hard time wrapping my brain around this entire incident.

Well yea but he didn’t sign it “Ted Kaczynski, rural Montana cabin”.

It does have a branch. Also, think of all the rhinestones at the Country Music Hall of Fame!

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