The Nashville Christmas bombing

I looked it up. Still don’t get it. Buckaroo Bonzai was a cool movie but come on, people.

Extra-dimensional lizard beings disguised as humans through telepathy and/or hologram trickery, they live off either ‘life energy’ or the blood of human children, everyone who’s anyone secretly is one, sometimes the illusion slips on TV recordings, but only those made after the advent of digital (by coincidence).


Our elites are not human but instead are shape shifting interdimensional child molesting lizard people who assume human form.

They’re Jews.


A lot of them are, but Mitt, Hilldawg, Obama, etc, are not. You’ve got a Mormon, Methodist, and a Muslim.

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Lizard person post.


Maybe, but the public safety exception gives officers pretty wide latitude in something like this.

This is exactly correct. In a previous life conspiracy theories amused me and I read a few David Icke books. He was big on lizard people and it was just a bog standard anti-semitic one (secret banking Illuminati etc.) with a childish twist. Even the straight up anti semites say that, “hey, maybe not all of them are Jewish”.

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Somehow I have spent years on here and 22 and never heard of this Lizard People thing. I’m not sure if I have missed out or dodged a bullet.

…And the bartender said, “What is this, some kind of joke?”

Like I said they have lefty traits and beliefs but dont have any faith in the system so they dont participate. Like they think ubi is great and wanna help the poor and all that but pay zero attention to the process.

The types who might vote for the green party but not even that.

So, you’re saying socially liberal, environmentally conscious, and lacking the sophistication to know anything politically relevant about the economy with any degree of accuracy except a general sense that it all sucks?

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We’re really splitting hairs at this point, aren’t we?

Mitch is exhibit A of a sleestack.

They’re just secret Jews.

All of this lizard people talk reminds me of a funny story my parents love to tell. Not long before I was born they moved into a new home. The neighbors were a very proper type family, always keeping up appearances. They were nice, but…odd. They had a dog that the wife would daintily walk. They would sweep the sidewalk every single day, and asked my parents to please do the same. One stray leaf was one too many.

Over the winter, the wife didn’t walk the dog at all but was always out making sure the property looked pristine. My parents created a very, very elaborate story about how the entire family were aliens and the dog was their commander, sitting inside the house barking orders and telling them to go outside and act like what he imagined humans acted like. This was an ongoing thing between my parents over the entire winter.

Come spring, we are out for a walk and pass the neighbors who are both outside. Pleasantries are exchanged. Then the wife says “oh, by the way, Fido passed away in September.” My parents both just burst out laughing uncontrollably before walking away knowing they couldn’t talk themselves out of that reaction.

TLDR: Lizard people may be real, and they may be living next door to you.


Ugh had an OCD neighbor in IL that used scissors to trim the grass along his driveway among other bizarre things.

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We prefer to be called sauroids. Thank you.

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My apologies. If you’re coming up for air just to post that, it must of critical importance.

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