The Nashville Christmas bombing

Obvious antifa

Hated cops, loved weed.

I told you all he is a patsy for Big Voting.

Dude’s girlfriend warned cops 16 months ago he was building a bomb in his RV. FBI was like ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Looks like local police just asked for a background check from FBI and it came back clean. The article doesn’t say how much info if any was shared about the threats with the FBI. I personally would rather the FBI doesn’t get all up in everybody’s ass every time somebody claims that they’re up to something, unless there is substantial evidence to back up those claims.

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Should have told them he was growing weed in his RV.


Should have said he was Muslim. “Friendly neighbors” would have been knocking on his door the next day offering inert detonators


Did nobody local just drive over and look into the RV? Where does mobile bomb-making rank on their list of priorities?

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It says local police were denied permission to look inside the RV.

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Damn those pesky rights! Should have got [any tv cop] to just beat the shit out of him and then open up the RV.

I mean, with bomb threats they could have just watched him for a few days right? Doesn’t sound like that happened. Or his ordering of parts or anything like that at all.

So who wins the poll, RWNJ or random?

The fact we aren’t hearing his political beliefs leads me to RWNJ.

I’m going to take that as “Market not yet settled”.

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I would think “building a bomb in his RV” would have a decent shot at getting a search warrant.


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Or surveillance ffs.

60 year old white dude probably told the cops he hates Obama and he’s a PATRIOT, so the cops were like “Checks out. Have a nice day.”


“I’m not sure I agree with you a hunnert percent on your policework, there, Lou.”



I mean, yeah, also could have, you know, gotten a fucking warrant based on what the girlfriend said. Or actually, they probably just could have gone in anyway, without a warrant, because the exigency of “my boyfriend is building a bomb in that RV over there” is definitely a fucking fourth amendment exception, AINEC.

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Yes. They didn’t even need a warrant. There are exceptions to the warrant requirement for exigent emergencies, and “hey, my boyfriend is building a bomb, over there in that RV, hope he doesn’t blow up downtown Nashville” is like exhibit ‘A’ for just such an exigent emergency. This was fumbled badly.

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