The Nashville Christmas bombing

One of the most compelling points about conspiracy theories came from a John Oliver episode. They pointed out that there are essentially no conspiracy theories regarding the Reagan assassination attempt, with the reasoning being that it’s because Reagan did not die.

Conspiracy theories come from a desire to associate major causes with major events. It’s uncomfortable and scary to think that major events can be created by chance or a lone crazy person.

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I have heard a conspiracy regarding Reagan. Something about them pumping him with cold blood so that he was not the same after he recovered.

Imagine if it was a Muslim who blew up the RV. There sure wouldn’t be stories about how the person simply “died at the scene.”


USS Maine wasn’t really a conspiracy, no one knew what happened. Which was probably a coal bunker gas buildup detonated the ship’s magazine. The papers just ran with the narrative that was most likely to cause war with spain.


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You’ve never heard the theory that John Hinckley was brainwashed by George H.W. Bush into trying to assassinate Reagan?

I just read the wiki on Operation Gladio, and I can’t figure out what it means. Can anyone explain?

From memory it was a program that left agents in euro countries after world war 2 to build up networks that would fight communism. These agents would help fund right wing groups and use them to violently suppress labor protests and other left wing activism. In Italy some of these groups committed false flag attacks to try and pin it on communists. The CIA had its hand in this and there were political leaders in Europe tied into some of the terrorist acts. It also links to a lot of wealthy people because many of the people involved in this were part of the P2 Masonic lodge in Italy which if you’re interested is a fun internet hole to go down


The conspiracy theory I’ve seen pop up in a few places is that the explosion didn’t come from the van, but was instead a missile strike. Don’t think they have developed a central theory yet on who sent the missile.

Here’s one video I’ve seen linked:

no way I’m watching any of these conspiracy theory yootoobs, can you give us the cliffs? I mean for this missile theory to be what happened, we would need some combo of

  • investigators are incapable of looking at the wreckage and determining it was a missile

  • investigators are all deep state agents who are in on it

  • someone had to play the “this RV is about to explode” recording even though the RV was not about to explode

  • nobody saw the incoming missle

more importantly, WHY would someone send a missile and blame it on the RV rather than just, like, blow up the RV?

I have not watched the whole thing either - just posting what I’ve seen others sharing.

Cliffs as far as I’m aware are - (1) there is a video showing a small cloud trail coming down from the sky right before the explosion, (2) there is a (possibly altered?) video which shows the blast starting not from the RV but down the street; (3) ???; (4) Dems are bad.

I have not engaged at all to try to get explanations for any of the basic flaws in the theory.

My only explanation for this insane missile conspiracy theory is that it’s an obviously false cover pushed by the Deep State to try to obscure what actually happened:

Hilldawg said find me someone who has a great name for riling up Q conspiracy people, ordered him kidnapped and sedated, put him in the RV filled with explosives, and blew him up at the ATT hub and dominion voting machine command center to cover up evidence of stealing the election. Could not be more obvious.

Don’t forget the Bowling Green Massacre. Biggest coverup in US history.



I heard them talking about the Georgia Dominion voting machines were moved to Nashville for audit just prior to the explosion on relatively mainstream right wing media this morning. That has nothing to do with the missle theory but rw media is going full conspiracy on this.

So, this was a left wing plot to disrupt the audit of the voting machines? Very cool. They were lucky to find a local guy willing to do the bombing. I don’t really understand why he felt he needed to kill himself in the process, but the rest of it makes a lot of sense. They should look at it very strongly.


They Got Us!

From the author bio:

David Yallop has over-turned opinion with every book he has written

Well now I have to read it.

Shit like this is why I quietly stopped obsessively parsing all of the document drops during the Mueller era and beyond. It’s fun and all, but I look like just as much of an idiot to the people who know what they’re doing.