The Nashville Christmas bombing

This. It was 100% a white American Trump voter (in case the RV didn’t give that away). Which doesn’t exclude the motivation being something like the router “rental” fees he’s been paying.

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Nice stereotyping.

You know nothing of RV life if you think everyone in an RV is a Trumper.


Yeah I’m sure my liberal grandma that’s traveling the country in an RV is gonna make a stop in Nashville and blow up some buildings.

Would she do it if she was conservative?

Sometimes it’s just a crazy ass motherfucker doing crazy ass shit. But too assume it’s a Trumpkin based on a shitty old RV is LOL.

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Looked like a really nice class C. Are you some kind of class A snob?

Jk. :)


People on the internet seem to think that the front grill makes it likely to be an RV from the 1990s built on a Ford chassis. I haven’t found a picture to match it yet, but the detailing seems to be similar to some Thor/Four Winds models.

NSFW language



Ill honestly never understand why people care who the bomber was or what their motive was, other than law enforcement.

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you cannot not rubberneck while driving past an accident. don’t even try

Helps with stereotyping others in the future


I like knowing things.


I like knowing who the people who are going to blow shit up are.


Everybody is eager for the bomber’s identity and motivation to confirm their worldview. (If not then they’ll explain it away anyway.)


Yea internet out here still. Sucks.

his house

Human beings are addicted to stories. We tell and consume perhaps dozens of stories a day, some true and purposeful, others false and only for entertainment, and others even a mix. Part of the draw of sports is that it is a bottomless well of story generation where we never know the ending before tuning in. Even in our most serious pursuits, we want it in story form. For example, in addition to sexism, I argue that a big part of the reason why Watson and Crick get so much more credit for solving the structure of DNA than Wilkins and Franklin did is because their 2 page paper with a single cartoon figure told a bold and compelling story, while Wilkins and Franklin told a much longer, drier, and more cautious description of their data.

So, even more than wanting to confirm worldviews or what have you, we want this bombing to be a story, and right now, we only have the very end of one. The beginning and middle are unknown, and we have a compulsion to know what they are.


It’s the same model RV but that’s the only connection I’ve seen so far. Let’s not put out info that could harm someone who had nothing to do with this bombing imo. That happened after the Boston Marathon attack and was pretty fucked up.

Yep. It’s the same grainy, pixellated RV.