The Nashville Christmas bombing

Voted RWNJ, but could be a second-level attack – RWNJ posing as Antifa, LWNJ posing as RWNJ. AT&T is the parent of a massive part of the MSM (Time/Warner, TBS, CNN), so I think RWNJ is likely.

The explosion does seem to be less damaging than you would expect with such a large vehicle. I guess maybe because the AT&T building is so sturdy, it just looks like not that much damage. The buildings across the street are totaled. But there is no crater. The pictures show a tower of flame, so the directed explosion seems plausible. I looked up the OKC bombing, which was 2200 kg of ammonium nitrate, nitromethane, and diesel fuel, and it left a crater 30 feet wide and 8 feet deep. So probably less power than the OKC bombing in about the same size vehicle.

it’s a terrorist attack inside the united states. odds are likely it’s rwnj


I once accepted a challenge to eat 50 wings and ate 60 just to be cocky, so 70 is believable to me. A lot of places have small wings.


Reading this post as x rated was confusing.

Yeah, natural gas for backup power generation is not great. Back in the olden days, I worked at a building where WorldCom or one its acquisitions was building a backup generation system outside my window. It was an underground tank of diesel fuel (thousands of gallons) connected to a generator with a large smokestack. You can easily imagine scenarios where electrical work is happening, or a transformer explodes, as they do, and they turn off the gas as a precaution. Or there is a gas leak and they turn off power to the area. Not sure how critical this infrastructure is, but that seems like a weird backup scheme.

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Looks like the world record is 281 in 10 minutes. Gotta step up your game.


This is legit insane.

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Yeah, does not compare to OKC


But googling “Nashville damage”, holy crap the tornadoes this last Spring were bad.

That’s because they use pigeons.


Lol mine was closer to an hour

In that case I wouldn’t be looking for a federal reserve bank. I’d be hauling ass in a helicopter to Woodlawn.

70 wings is what, about a pound and a half of meat? Easy.


Umm, duh. Bone in. What’s this Chicken Balls garbage?

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What? Nobody here has ever put away 10K calories in a sitting?

We got them naked fwiw. Since they are so heavily breaded at Hooters, it probably comes close to cutting the calories in half

Have no idea obviously, but I’m guessing this is going to be some stupid ass suicide where the guy had to be special somehow on his way out, like the LV shooter. That or he was parked outside of his exes apt listening to Dashboard Confessional on repeat.

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Can you imagine a RWNJ committing an act of terrorism, then being pissed when half the RWNJs on social media declare it to be a false flag operation meant to discredit the RWNJ movement?


Internet still out here. 12 hrs now.

Reading more from the Reddit thread, it looks like there was battery backup that lasted for about 6 hours, and there are (or were) also problems with the backup routing in another location in Nashville. The site is a major CO hub with interchanges with many other providers. There were reports that the AT&T building is more damaged than it might appear – structural damage to 1/3 of it, standing water on all floors – and they are breaking holes through the back walls to connect power. TEMA offered a couple of megawatt emergency generators to AT&T.

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It does read like a movie plot where the real target is some financial objective like $600 million in bearer bonds.

Did they call in the FBI?


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