The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting



Got bored with the ginger look?

I think you might have to tag @jmakin for that request. Not really sure. Could you change your password to random characters and delete the bookmark? I’m not sure how much work it takes for someone to delete an account but we’re a little short on volunteer labor at the moment.

Exactly 50/50 as of right now. I feel like there’s a metaphor here or something. Glad we could help!

It’s an absolute pain in the ass to delete someone’s posts, and unless it’s for an EXTREMELY good reason, I don’t see why we should just accommodate anyone’s request for it.


dibs on bryce username once you delete him for gimmicking purposes

Can’t you just delete your own posts? If you want it that badly I guess you could just do it yourself. Sounds painful though.

Someone said there’s a limit on how far back you have delete permissions.

Ah ok. I didn’t realise that.

It’s not a limit on how far back, afaik, just a limit on number of posts you can delete in an hour and a day. If you have 1000s of posts to delete it can take a very long time

You leaving for good Bryce?

Bryce has 1400 posts I think.

Shorts on overweight white guys in their mid 30s: yay or nay?

I asked because it’s over 30C here and I would really love to wear a pair. Not sure what the protocol is.

Wear what you want - and the only protocol is that you also wear underwear so yours balls don’t escape :)

Not sure how shorts look on ultra-white people. Trying to get other perspectives.

If I was married with kids, I wouldn’t care that much. But single and childless, I have to care.

Nothing says American tourist more than fat guy in shorts and t-shirt.

Not sure what this has to be with anything.

Not a racial component man. I just have bright white skin damn near albino skin color.

I’m so white I’m translucent - along with skinny hairless legs - so know where you’re coming from. I wear shorts occasionly but prefer loose light linen/cotton trousers when it’s hot. The shorts I do have are long shorts rather than short shorts.

Are we talking obese Kevin Smith shorts or skinny?

Had to look up Kevin Smith … lol no not like those - don’t want to look like a complete tit. Llight coloured bermuda shorts work for me when I dare expose my chicken legs :chicken:

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