Community Referendum: Re-Permanently-Ban Bryce

He was told on multiple occasions that what he was demanding was.much more difficult, and he was offered alternatives that he refused

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Ok fair enough. I defer to the judgment of the mods and community vote.

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This is Bryce. I did not make the thank you post. Thatā€™s an imposter.


You should however ban the gimmick owner. Thanks Gregorio.


Itā€™s not me.

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For fucks sake


Welcome to the forum GiantTurtle!


That would make sense too, this thread seems ridiculous to me. but just fyi, itā€™s not me.0.0 chance Iā€™d lie about this. So uh,
1.) ban the gimmick,
2.) thanks everyone

As for any of the other discussion, seems pretty unnecessarily mean spirited. I made a request and it was granted.


Assuming @Bryce isnā€™t the old Bryce posting on a Tor exit node, that was pretty funny. Too bad I was too annoyed at the time to appreciate it. Anyway, taking a break for a days so donā€™t break anything while Iā€™m gone.


Why not just do a super long 30 day ban or something considerng heā€™s been posting for a long time and may have been just too involved I the bubbly lately. If heā€™s a menace after that then maybe itā€™s a perma.

Gross comment. Not going to fight, but this is gross in more than one way.


The reason it should be banned is because itā€™s someone pretending to be me. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s a hostile account or anything, it made one post in jest . But still, whoever it is isnā€™t me. šŸ¤·šŸ½


Lol this, I just got @ā€˜ed (which btw I really hate, unless itā€™s something that interests or concerns me) to create a subforum so the people around here can like, be free of our gestapo mods or some shit. Like Iā€™m just gonna be like oh yea sure, here you go, because like three people asked for it and without any kind of community mandate or vote (which is how we decided to do things and what I promised to abide by).

Idk man. Regarding the bryce thing, I kinda stonewalled him because I knew this exact thing would happen. The whole thing about someone else being on his account that wasnā€™t him making the posts and all that - I mean itā€™s clearly one person, I have known bryce the poster for years.

Bryce, I love you dude, but god damn.


Dude itā€™s clearly been you the entire time.

Btw i am EXTREMELY against just nuking posts on this board and I doubt I would have done it. It ruins the website. It has to be an extremely good reason to be worthwhile.

For it to have been a 3rd party, that person would have needed to save a copy of Bryceā€™s avatar before the account was deleted.

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Should we consider opening an RFC? We need 7 days of comments if I remember correctly and then a poll open for 7 days.


Btw my no vote is not meant as a slap in the face to anyone, I just knew this was gonna happen and I canā€™t really fault him for it, because to me itā€™s like hitting a dog, they donā€™t understand why.