Community Referendum: Re-Permanently-Ban Bryce


Dude itā€™s clearly been you the entire time.

Btw i am EXTREMELY against just nuking posts on this board and I doubt I would have done it. It ruins the website. It has to be an extremely good reason to be worthwhile.

For it to have been a 3rd party, that person would have needed to save a copy of Bryceā€™s avatar before the account was deleted.

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Should we consider opening an RFC? We need 7 days of comments if I remember correctly and then a poll open for 7 days.


Btw my no vote is not meant as a slap in the face to anyone, I just knew this was gonna happen and I canā€™t really fault him for it, because to me itā€™s like hitting a dog, they donā€™t understand why.

Iā€™m done here. But no, itā€™s not me. Iā€™m not seeking attention , I donā€™t care about that. I did but that was when I was much younger. Zikzak, Microbet, Jmakin , itā€™s NOT me. and Jmakin, you donā€™t know me that well then . Shame on you.

Your style is unique, the things you write about are unique, and honestly youā€™re insulting me if you think Iā€™m this stupid.

That just makes it weirder. Bye. Any post after this one on any account on this site of any kind was not made by me. Period.

I donā€™t know how anything other then him remaining permabanned makes sense.

Not really a fan of the whole concept of users requesting bans in the first place. But if they request it and itā€™s granted it should be treated as any other permaban.

No backsies. That they originally chose the ban really means nothing to me.

From an ongoing management standpoint it seems anything else is bad policy.

People always have the option to stop posting. I have done it for probably a hundred plus sites in my life. Itā€™s not that hard.

Not to mention the mess of people asking for self bans when they are borderline getting banned anyways is a mess.

We should expect a level of maturity will people can handle not using a website they find detrimental to them.

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Yeah, the planning involved made me appreciate it even more. I take Bryce at his word that itā€™s not him. If it is him, then :man_shrugging: but itā€™s the internet so whatever. Either way, I donā€™t plan on deleting accounts anymore that fall outside the default posts/date threshold.

Even if it took the mods two seconds it shouldnā€™t matter.

For the record just causing this thread to exist should be a new permaban punishment.

I like Bryce, but not a fan of this nonsense.

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So you can tell by the words ā€œThank youā€ that it was definitely him?

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oh fuck you. Arenā€™t you supposed to be permaā€™d?


Isnā€™t it a reasonable question? What else are you basing your opinion on that the Thank You post was Bryce?

Isnā€™t this literally the only post made by the account in question:

Think you are misinterpreting the situation. Or else I am.

Are you guys this fucking dense? Iā€™m saying the poster this whole time, including the whole story about how someone was using his account before or something, which is why he wanted it delete, was clearly him the entire time. I have seen bryce post for over a decade. I know it is him.

Regarding the thank you post? Itā€™s the most bryce thing ever to come back and do that. Itā€™s why I didnā€™t want to accommodate his request in the first place. I knew this was going to happen.

I think you would find it awesome to realize and appreciate your abnormalities instead of running from them - especially on the internet. Just stand up and shout out that, yeah that was me who just said thatā€¦ go fuck yourself. Youā€™d then be ahead of most people struggling from the same shit.

I donā€™t get why you are so angry lately. 3 people misinterpreted your posts in the same way. Maybe your posts were unclear?