Community Referendum: Re-Permanently-Ban Bryce

yea gee, why could I be angry? Until yesterday (still not final, pending a community vote) I was indefinitely chained to this role I no longer want to do because the community shits all over this place and I’m done with it. This situation is a perfect example.

The staff are volunteers. Treat them as such.

Alright, I’m really grumpy. I guess I hope the person behind the latest Bryce account owns up and accepts some opprobrium as their main account rather than continuing this farcshamockery. I’m out for the night.

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Yeah, I don’t get it. If that’s the only post, I don’t understand all the rustling of jimmies.

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Seriously? He asked a bunch of people to put in time and effort to scrub his account and then came right back and remade the account, wasting everyone’s time. Admittedly, the comedic value of this stunt can’t be denied.

I don’t see how that was wasting anyone’s time? He could have both legitimately wanted his posts deleted and made the joke post, they aren’t in any way mutually exclusive.

Some of you are so reflexively “You’re not the boss of me!” that you’re voting to not ban an account whose rightful owner has repeatedly and insistently said they want banned.


Well are we banning the account or banning Bryce if he ever comes back? Should be more clear imo

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Yeah, it would absolutely ridiculous to not delete the account Bryce says is not him and allow someone the opportunity to continue to impersonate Bryce beyond the one joke post. In the future any anonymized accounts or account name changes will be accompanied by adding that name to the “reserved” username list for which signup is not allowed.

I don’t think we want people impersonating well-known, respected former community members who have given up their user names, both out of consideration for the former members, and to protect current members against potential scammers. So I’m about to delete the new Bryce account and add the username to list so it can’t be used again, and add the usernames of other posters who have given up their original names


I don’t understand why that wasn’t just done. If it’s Bryce’s joke gimmick account just ban him, who cares? If it’s someone else’s gimmick account, just ban him, who cares? I voted no because I took it to mean if Bryce ever comes back and wants to post he’d be banned.


I voted not to ban because I’ve seen Bryce go through relatively lucid periods and periods where he seems unhinged. I had a super manic-depressive friend who sounded just like Bryce when he was in his unhinged periods. He ended up shooting himself in the chest.

I don’t think Bryce is fucking around in his manic-ish periods or whatever they are. No one is that dedicated to trolling. I’d rather be wrong on the side of giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Oh yeah - but ban the gimmick account for sure. I was just being sympathetic to the actual Bryce. Not worth bashing the guy here imo.


Honestly how much would you actually wager that this is not the same bryce from 2p2?


Wait, what? You now just expect unilateral action to permanently ban an account is just how it should be done?

Well that won’t start a 100 post derail or anything. All aboard the KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED TRAIN!

(see what I did there?)


In this extremely specific case, of course. It doesn’t matter to anyone if an obvious one post troll account is banned or not. That’s why I was confused and thought you meant all future possible Bryce accounts as well.

stir up shit for no reason? Yeah, everyone saw it.

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I don’t think anyone is even in a disagreement here. Everyone appreciates that ggoreo and wookie went above and beyond to help bryce. Everyone agrees it was assholish (with varying degrees of intent of harm) if it was bryce or if it was someone else.

Seriously. If he makes that post and only that post, then his account is effectively scrubbed.

And arguably (prior to oreo’s post) it would make sense for him to recreate the account so no one else could sign up as Bryce (though I don’t think that is what actually happened).

Can we lock this thread until he resumes posting? Or just nuke whatever account you want since he said he was done.

Both deserving of Perma bans though. So he should have to serve two consecutive permabans without possibility of parole.

So is ordered.